
Revenge's Best Served Hot

Tony Ruffo gasped as he sat up, his hands involuntarily going for his chest which was bloody. He was panting in pain and grunted as he got up. His left hand hung limply to his side showing he was shot. His shooter was Victor Zsasz, one of Gotham's notorious hitmen. He could remember every memory that his host now had and he was grateful this guy did not have a girlfriend or anything of that sort. This guy's name was Daniel Hunt, a mill of the day policeman with no big ambitions. Good thing he had enough for the two of them. He then looked around and saw another body, his partner, Sasha Love. She was a good cop, just too good to date go after the hitman. He decided to call this in.

"Dispatch, this is Officer Daniel Hunt reporting, officer down. I repeat, officer down," he said to his radio before slumping to his butt, his blood loss taking toll before he fell unconscious once again.

When he came to once again, he found himself on a hospital bed, the Gotham Captain looking at him.

"Good to see you awake, officer," Captain Hendricks said.

"Thank you, sir," he answered.

"I need the truth from you, Officer. What happened?"

"Well, sir, we received a 10-35 and since we were the officer close to the scene, we went over. Only, it wasn't just any normal night of Gotham but Victor Zsasz. Officer Sasha Love went after him and that's how we got shot. Thought I was dead myself,"

"You would be dead if the bullet he shot through your chest is any indication. It missed your heart by a hair's breadth. Take the time off, recuperate and I will see you in service in three weeks," the captain told him, making him nod. The man left the room, leaving Tony to his thoughts. First things first was that he had to be used to been called Daniel Hunt just to avoid any confusion later on. Next, it was to use his position as a police officer to make sure he was safe. But, this was Gotham, the police are especially not safe.

"Why am I sweating so much?" he asked himself, wiping off the sweat on his face. Just then, the door burst open and in came Zsasz.

"I was surprised when I learnt that someone I shot survived. I was sure I put one in your heart. I guess two times the charm," the killer said as he fished out his gun and started screwing the silencer on. Daniel was not even listening because he could feel his body burning from the inside. He started squirming, groaning in pain like a man possessed before his body burst out in flames. Zsasz was quite shocked to see this that he backed away from the flaming man.

To Daniel, everything in and outside his was burning, his whole flesh was melting due to the heat. His screams of pain were now becoming demonic growls as all that was left from his body was just white bones. The pain then stopped and he stood, the only thing he had remaining was his flames covered body and the brightest burning part was his head. He looked at his hands then his torso. If he could smile, he would have a Cheshire size smile right then.

"Ghost rider! Who would have thought," he said in a deep demonic voice. He then looked at where Victor Zsasz was supposed to be but he didn't find him. He then looked outside and saw the man running to his car, quite panicked. He growled in displeasure before ripping the whole window off and threw it at the man who quickly jumped out of the way, letting it hit the car, destroying it. Daniel jumped down, landing with a bang, attracting the gaze of Zsasz.

"Look at me and despair, murderer! I am your doom, your annahilator!" Daniel roared as he walked towards the man who quickly got up and started shooting at him, only to have the bullets melt as soon as they hit him. Daniel could have winced if he could but he was incapable of feeling, only rage and a drive to get even with any and all evil doers. Zsasz seemed to be lucky for he hijacked a motorist and rode off. Daniel roared back at him, his demonic voice making Zsasz almost crash.

Now, Zsasz had been chased after by Batman, a man he could say was scary. But he was just that, a man. This was clearly something else, something unholy and his primal instincts told him to run as far as he could from it.

Daniel was getting impatient seeing Zsasz getting away, until he saw the damaged car. It was a saloon, but he could make it to be anything. He got hold of of the hood before roaring as his hell flames spread to the car, reconstructing it to become a raging sports car. Daniel laughed evilly before he got in the car. It started on itself before he started driving after Zsasz. The wheels were hot enough to melt into the road and leave a trail of fire wherever they went.

Zsasz felt like his heart was caught in his throat when he saw the flaming sports car racing towards him. It was snaking through the traffic like a, well, snake and it was catching up. He decided to get into an alley in order to lose him, but he almost coughed out his heart when he saw the car suddenly shrink enough to pass through the alley unhindered. He then saw the car form a fireball on the hood and fired at Zsasz who couldn't get out of the way in time. The fireball hit him, sending him flying out of the alley. But, he had into a few of the same situations for he quickly got up and was about to run away when the car chasing him slammed into him, sending him flying away, once again. Then, a flaming skeleton got out of it and walked right next to Zsasz, who was holding on to life.

"You cling on to your pathetic life like it is so precious!" Daniel growled before lifting Zsasz with one hand. "Look into my eyes and despair!" Zsasz unconsciously locked eyes with this skeleton and what came next was the death of him. He started experiencing every pain he ever caused anyone all his life. The guilt that he thought he had buried was dug out and he started crying. His eyes became empty before Daniel opened his mouth and from Zsasz'z mouth came a wisp of white smoke that flew into Daniel's mouth. With a satisfied chuckle, Daniel let him go, went back into his car and drove off, amidst demonic laughter.

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