
Chapter 51 - The War...

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Chapter 51

Title: The War...

The small war between the kingdoms developed even more once Germa 66 got involved and supported the newly dubbed Mad King, Hon.

Once Germa 66 got involved, the Lulusia Kingdom lost its hope and the people were terrified of a foreign power getting involved in a civil affair. Because while there were many Kingdoms alongside the seas, not many of them shared an island. A lot of people even had family members from the other Kingdom, and Germa 66 is known to be very brutal in its means. Armies of the enemy are completely obliterated, each of them killed without a second thought.

This created hate amongst the Lulusia Kingdom against King Han and started calling him the Mad King. Even the people in his land started doing so. Since the Lulusia Kingdom was to fight against Germa 66, the King decided to take Max's advice and called the Drum kingdom, specifically him to come and deal with the situation.

So hundreds of marines and over a thousand soldiers from the Drum Kingdom came to fight against Germa 66. Max stood on the lead as they walked towards the battlefield, which was a field in the Lulusia Kingdom territory. This Kingdom had been losing the war so the enemy armies had advanced through the mountains and would normally now have been a disadvantage towards the defending army.

Max's malicious smirk told a different story, it seemed like he was already sure of his victory. He walked with a confident stride that said more than a thousand words ever could. "Let's GO! WE ARE GONNA BE RICH!!"

His scream seemed to energize the soldiers, even Raynare who was next to him wearing a black suit felt her body stop for a second. "Conqueror's Haki?" she mumbled as she felt an invisible wave of power radiate out of her lover? Boyfriend? Friend with benefits? She didn't know what the relationship between them was.

But all of that was unimportant, because right now what mattered was that Max trusted her. He was wearing a dark suit as if he was getting married and the dark cloak of a King with red in it. He had a spiked bat in one hand and an ax on the other.

The four monstrous children of Vinsmoke Judge were in front of their army made out of clones. Reiju, Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji stood in front of a large number of soldiers. Their numbers were over 10,000 and Judge was confident in his victory.

At this, Reiju felt that something was wrong, her instincts... something was strange. Her brothers on the other hand didn't feel anything.

Yonji put on his green power suit and smiled. "Let's get rid of that annoying guy. I knew that we should have killed him when we first met."

"Shut the hell up, and stop bringing up the past," Niji said as his hands crackled with electricity. "Concentrate on the present! Let's cut off the snake's head, the rest will be easy to eliminate after that."


Niji moved so fast that even his siblings were only able to see a flash of blue as he moved towards Max. 


No one was able to react as his knee landed on Max's face, causing the marine's body to start leaning back due to the kick. This made Niji smirk in delight. "Take that you smug bastard."

"Is that it?" Asked Max, in a bored tone, the electricity traveled through his body in a massive current. But to him it was nothing. "This doesn't even tickle!"

As Niji was about to jump back, Max's body enlarged and his teeth had sunk on the knee that had just hit his face. His body gree into a small giant, Judge saw this and was shocked as Max's teeth were able to break through Niji's suit and skin.

But what came next was even more devastating, Max's spiked bat moved like a ray of light, and even though Ninji was able to dodge the attack. A dark splattering object landed on the ground, causing the blue-haired man to look at his arm and his eyes widened.

...His arm was missing and had fallen on the ground, and Max's ax was dripping with blood and covered in Haki. 

Max licked his lips in a blood-thirsty smile. "Your sister is quite beautiful~ so move aside. She is the one I am after."

Niji was incapable of feeling fear, but his body shook at the implications. This momentary distraction was enough for Max to swing his spiked bat, wanting to hit his opponent's head like a baseball.


But his attack was stopped by Yonji, causing the green-haired man to wince as he felt his exoskeleton start breaking, he knew that only crazy strong Haki could do something like this.

While Yonji's vision was blocked by the bat, Max attempted to use his ax and bisect the opponent but Ichiji was already there and stopped his attack. 

Reiju came in and took Niji's body and was about to take her brother's arm with her so they could attempt to reattach it later. But that was when a giant crow's claw stepped on the arm and once the pink-haired woman looked she saw Raynare's cold purple eyes greeting her. 

Raynare's giant wing turns even darker as it gets covered with Haki and she swings it at Reiju, causing her opponent to jump back and leave her brother's arm behind. 

"You think I will let you leave that easily?" Asked Raynare as she swung her wings and due to their giant size and her small body, it propelled her forward like a rocket. At speeds that Reiju couldn't overcome, but she did shoot out a wall of poison to try and stop her.

With a swing of her wings Raynare was able to create a wind strong enough to disperse it. 

The Crow Fruit wasn't something that usually used the full hybrid transformation since it limited the mobility that she liked to have. But her legs had turned into that of a crow made her look like a harpy and her claws were sharp… their edge was enough to make a large gash to Reiju's side once Raynare reached her.

Each of Raynare's hits went for the kill. She no longer was that soft-spoken girl, she now had become a stone-cold killer. Reiju could feel the pressure, especially since she had to carry her brother so he didn't get killed. She contemplated leaving him behind just so she could create some distance between her and Raynare.


But those thoughts were unneeded as cannonballs were shot from Germa 66 and purely due to luck some were about to hit Raynare, it made her jump back and dodge them.

This gave Reiju a small opening and allowed her to get back to the field doctors.

Vinsmoke Judge saw all of this and winced gravely, for the first time since his children had been created… he was facing a hurdle on the battlefield.

Even though he was fighting Yonji and Ichiji, Max looked straight at Vinsmoke as he thought of the possibility that they might lose against him. 

To Judge, it felt like Max could read his mind, and the malicious smirk he sent when their eyes met almost seemed to confirm that hypothesis. 

"I am coming for you," Max mouthed to the scientist, since they were far away from each other, Judge couldn't hear what he said. But instinctively, chills went down the Grema 66 leader's mind.


At the same time, in an unspecified part of the New World, Negan was reading a newspaper in his ship with Mero cooking some fish. As he changed pages he saw an article with the name: 'MAX ACCEPTS TO FIGHT AGAINST GERMA 66'

There was a photo of Max standing upon a hill with an axe in one hand and a spiked bat in the other. Negan's eyes widened and he dropped the newspaper once he saw that, his body shook. Memories started rushing in his mind like a broken dam and a huge smile made its way into his face.


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