
Unexpected Latter

"If you want excitement bring that Donovan and his whole family as your slave. That will be more entertaining, son," she held his hand.

"Donovan is a dragon mother. And dragons are charming because of how free they are. Such an opponent like him should be on the battlefield, in front of you, not in prison," Kruel said with a cold glint in his eyes.

"So, do you want this chase of cat and mouse going on for the rest of your life?" Evillene asked with a creased forehead. The thought didn't set well with her.

"Maybe," Kruel replied nonchalantly.

"Don't forget that if you fight like this there will be a day, maybe just a one moment, when he will become stronger than you and will flip the whole game. If that happens you will lose for forever and all the hard work of all these years will go to waste," Evillene's eyes turned darker as she said that.

"Are you afraid, mother? Don't you believe in me?" Kruel turned around and asked.

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