
Chaos - 3

The horse was making its way in between the tangled road of the forest and the trees passed by them one by one.

"This…." She has never ridden a horse this fast. It wasn't just fast but the speed was inhumane. Was it some magical horse?

Her surroundings were fading so quickly that she hardly got time to catch up. The cold gust of wind was harsh on her face and her eyes wide open.

She was wrapped tightly in his arms and Silja was sure that if not for his support she would have fallen again by now and with the speed horse going she would have definitely fallen.

"We..are.." she was flustered as her back was pressed on his firm chest. His hold on her was tight and his face was just beside her.

"How can this horse run so fast?" She asked him.

"By magic. Aren't you familiar with this kind of magic?" Donovan saif from behind. His voice was deep and his warm breath fanned the shell of her ear as he spoke.

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