
Woke Up

Inside the medical bay, Amelia and Eldred were having a little chat with each other. Amelia was starting to get notified by those outsides that there were several people who were flying around just like Alexis. 

Eldred was also by her side when she started getting such notifications. 

Amelia was pre-informed by Eldred that there was a planet called Vivetela and its inhabitants were all mutants. Eldred had asked Amelia to give them protection from unnecessary inter-world politics in case their secret was out in the open.

And now that it looked like the inhabitants of two of the planets were aware of their secret, Eldred and Amelia were discussing what would be the best possible option for Vivetela if it wanted to escape unnecessary war and attacks.

The two of them forgot that they were standing inside Alexis's cubicle and were making constant noise.

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