
It's A Boy

_______3 months until my Birthday_____

"I am proud to announce that I am having a baby brother", I told my parents with my hand over my mother's belly.

They were ecstatic. My mother looked down at her round belly with happiness. My father looked at me normally I swear.

Th next three months of training came and went without a hitch. I now can confidently say that I understand all about Runes.

[You really are going to avoid it]

Did I just gloss over a specific procedure that happened three months ago? Whatever can you be talking about? There was no such event where I saw my mother slightly disheveled and certain happenings in a specific area of her body as I used life sense. I completely burned it out of my mind as I was focused on my little brothers Soul. Nordri had given me a complicated mana manipulation technique so I can remove the soul and hold it with less hiccups. He said I'll learn how to do it soon enough during Soul smithing so I might as well. My entire focus was on the wonders of that technique I swear.

[This is going to be an amazing story to tell your significant other one day]

La La La ..

[Look their naming it]

"Son you have had to do a lot to have this child and we want you to help you name him," my mother said.

"Oh wow. okay I got this, brother to Loki so his name has to be Th..."

"His name is Baldr", My father interrupted my out loud rambling.

I looked to him while pouting only to see him looking at me smiling mischievously.

I saw my mother face palming literally. I also heard Sif giggling behind me.

I took out my hammer from the side of the room. It suddenly picked up a cold aura.

"Take this old Man, FROST HAMMER", I launched my hammer against him only for him to dodge it.

"I thought Uncle Vili told you not to announce your attack", my father pointed out.

He did but I don't want to be accused of Regicide considering the strength behind that blow froze a good portion of the floor.

Yea my forge mastering technique has come a long way. I understand the basics of runes now as well as Soul Smithing. This move is something I just picked up this week with magical metal forging. Its the weapon combat of forgemasters

My strength has also steadily risen. Since the beginning of the year. The reinforcement is doing wonders to my young body. I'm now half a foot taller than the average six year old at around 5 feet.

With that I should be prepared to leave the city soon.

Currently we are all in the patient room of the Clinic looking at my mother. I am sharing images of what I see using life sense to everyone to point out my little brother's little brother.

Baldr huh? isn't he the God whose death sparks Ragnarok? I have been noticing certain trends like that. The naming scheme, Sif and Nix, my birth, and now Baldr. Im starting to think my Goddess brought me here for more than just fun.

[Don't think to much about it. Even if your rhetorical doomsday scenario happens, you are still too weak to stop it. Also, remember that Baldr like it or not is now your little brother so you better protect him]

That is something ill always remember. I feel bad for the guy who tries to touch a hair on his head. I will personally abscond with their heads should anyone try.

[That's the spirit]

My mothers voice broke me out of my conversation for the umpteenth time, "Loki, what are you thinking of?"

I removed my hand and looked to her, "Nothing much besides being a good big brother".

"Why don't we head to Heimdall's and get something to eat to celebrate?" I purposefully dodged a question.

I noticed my dads eyes shining.

"No drinking!"

"But why?"

"Because I am not carrying you back."

Would it surprise you that the one complaining was my father while I was the responsible one?

[You are just as bad as him if not worse. the only reason you don't go all out is that Nordri would murder you if you miss tomorrow]

Yes but if I can't drink he can't either!


Walking out the clinic we put on disguises because we don't want people to really know about mom's pregnancy and where I am at any moment. Hilda is somewhere in the shadows protecting me so I should be fine.

Honestly I am being fairly laissez fair about this since Heimdall knows already and has promised to put us up in a private room whenever we go eat.

That was the plan of course until we are greeted with someone we never expected to meet at the front door.

Your friendly neighborhood Bard and seducer of all kinds of woman, Elder Bragi!

[Was that a D&D or Witcher reference]

Neither, he's actually a womanizer. Apparently he is very well known amongst the Aesir for loving beautiful woman. That's not to say he has no redeeming qualities himself. He may sleep around but he is also called the Aesir's most eligible Bachelor.

For some reason the women love his poetry and songs.

[His large pocket as well]

Oh Goddess, the women of the Aesir are nothing like that. most of them are honorable and are--

[Aren't warriors with Valor]

Okay yes his wallet has stacks, but that doesn't stop him from getting it on.

Speak of the devil, it looks like he just came up to my mom.

He's bowing, courting her like a gentleman not seen in these parts.

[Grab your popcorn]

He's reached for her hand to kiss. This is not normal in our culture ladies and gentlemen. Its a for sure sign of Courtship.

As Bragi Prepares to kneel a suddenly a giant Fist appears in front of him.

Now who could have ruined this spectacular moment. Look, his mask fell of his face.

Oh My Goodnes ladies and gentleman, I can't believe my eyes. Its the ONE the ONLY, King of the Aesir Bjorn Iron Hammer!!

[Clap clap clap]

Which would mean Bragi was attempting to court the Queen! What a save we have here.

Bragi actually recovered fairly quickly. He quickly noticed the king and looked to the lady he was just courting. It would take an idiot to not realize who she was even under a mask.

"My King and Queen, I apologize. I didn't realize it was you two. It seems your charm my lady extends beyond a mask. I congratulate you on becoming stronger he said with a bow."

He then got out of the bow and noticed Frigga was slightly round in the belly.

"My Queen are you expecting?"

A gasp was heard all around. It seems like I wasn't the only one to be watching this play in amusement.

I then sighed and removed my mask and outfit letting my blue eyes scan the surroundings. The people standing close to me suddenly backed away like I was a monster when I removed the coat.

Hey I am not going to eat you guys.

[Tell that to all your enemies that have disappeared or been exiled]

That was only one or two. Plus they were trying to either steal or frame me for something I didn't do. Plus, it's not like the percentage of those with valor is high. I'd say about 60% of the population have it leave the rest very normal in the head.

[One or two that they know about. Regardless of it they have taken Devious Hand more literally now]

I went up to my mother and helped show off my belly.

I pointed to Baldr and said, "It's a boy, and he's under my protection."

Bragi suddenly became tight lipped seeing I made a naked threat to the crowd.

I looked at Bragi and said, "Elder Bragi!"

"Yes Brother Loki?" Bragi looked to be shivering as well.

Do I really look that scary.

[More like commanding respect. I told you Tranquility-Rage makes you more cold and calculated. They can literally sense a cold rage bubbling up like a panther playing with its prey]

I talked to him with a knowing smile, "you're paying for dinner right?"

My father is already smiling at Bragi's misfortune causing his rage to die down. The kids who have been silent this whole time started giggling at this.

"Uhhh yes my Prince. Its the least I can do to make it up to you", he said nervously resigning to his fate.

I looked away from Bragi and towards the restaurant. "Good, lets go guys. I am starving", I said smiling.

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