
What Were They Doing At The Border?

"No, my princess, she wasn't,' Commander Mabon replied to Princess Ruby. "Why do you ask though?" he asked wanting to know why the princess would have asked if his sister was married.

"Oh... I guess I was just wondering about if she had kids and things like that..."

"She had one... a son. But he was taken away from her," Mabon stated with a sad expression on his face.

"That does not sound happy at all, " Veni said.

"It's not. However, it was a long time ago, " Mabon said.

"Hmm," Ruby hummed. "I will talk to the prince about this matter... the bodies that were found at the border. I heard you wanted to do that," Ruby said to the commander.

"Yes, Princess."

"Alright then. One more thing..." Ruby said as her brows creased. The air that was in the test became thick as if she wanted to say something that was disturbing or uncomfortable. 

Veni swallowed as he listened closely to the princess.

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