
That Explains It

Vion pointed to the empty sheet of paper on the table and Sir Taff walked towards it and wrote something on the paper after dipping the quill into an inkwell close by.

'What is the problem?', Sir Taff wrote.

'You are being followed, sir'

It was not strange news to Sir Taff as he had been feeling eyes were on him, and with what he knew that the king did, Taff was expecting something like this, sooner or later.

But the question was that, [How did Vion know?], he wondered.

The paper that Vion had written on previously was thrown into the fireplace which had a healthy fire going. Vion had readied everything for this weird conversation style. 

Sir Taff understood what he was supposed to do after Vion had read every message that he would write on his own paper. [What must have happened here? What did he hear?], Sir Taff thought.

'There is a letter for you to read, sir'

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