

A heaviness hung over them all. It was as though all the happiness had been sapped away. It was the kind of fog that wouldn't easily be removed. 

They were all intelligent. They understood the kind of weight this sort of visit brought with it. It was likely that the Oryx Kingdom had already chosen to attack as long as they dared to reject. 

As for why they feared the Human Kingdom so much, who knew? It was unlikely that this envoy would have a reason for this. And, even if they did, it was even more unlikely that he would tell.

When the standing between two parties was so far apart, an equal exchange of information was impossible. Though this seemed to be a peaceful talk, it was ultimately an ultimatum. They would either do as they were asked and received their rewards as good dogs, or they would face the consequences. 

"Mm, I see."

Leonel finally broke the silence, slowly rising to his feet. 


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