
Chapter 87

In the morning, I was already thinking more clearly and soberly. No rollback after "Berserker Mode" that hit me like that yesterday. Although it would be better if I passed out right there next to Betts and his family, than so ...

I was sitting at the table where Pam had rude yesterday, she stood in front of me with her elbows on the stove (stove) and drank coffee piercing me with her sly emerald eyes and sometimes looked at Harley, who at the moment had the same pose as mine, and the condition is the same only for other reasons. We were both depressed and didn't know what to do. Putting your forehead on your crossed arms on the table.

- How so ?! Harley protested.

- How is this possible?! - I already said.

"How could I have missed the only time Aizy could have let me have a threesome?" - Harley again.

- How could I not notice four of my colleagues at once sitting at the table, and one of them is my boss, and another is my partner? - it's me again.

- Hee hee. - this is Pam. - You have a very funny situation. Both are funny and both are at the same time so similar and so different from each other.

She felt good now. I satisfied her in full, even my Casanova skill went up two levels again. Also, two levels flew to "Hand-to-Hand Combat", "Dinklage Style" and one level to "Chuck Noris's Leg", "BI Master's Path", "Regeneration", "Aura of Fear", "Shooter", "Masochist", "Berserker Mode" and as many as five levels for "Naruto Therapy".

And then I read:


You have completed a hidden system task!

"Pour the Bet family!"

You have done what crime syndicates and even some ordinary people have long dreamed of doing. You won a relatively fair battle of four "mice".


- For completing the task - 25 free points.

- For the victory over Batman - 15 s.

- For the victory over Nightwing - 10 so

- For a victory over Robin - 5 points.

- For the victory over Betgirl - 5 s.r.

+ 5% chance of surviving in all conditions

+ 3% chance of the Joker not wanting to kill you.


+ 5 to strategy.

+ 5 to paphos.

+ 5 will.

+ 3 to leadership

+ 2 to charisma

Attention! You've got a new level!

+ 200 to chakra.

+ 30 to control.

But the indicators in personal relationships came to me in such quantities that I'm even scared to watch.

The beta family is "silent". Relations with them did not get off the ground. Although, perhaps they have not yet realized what happened and are still "being treated." But judging by the system, my relationship with them has neither worsened nor improved. Looks like I beat them a little. Especially Barbara. As the saying goes: "Beats means loves!" So I "love" her, more than anyone else. For Robin, that is, for young Jason Todd, that behavior is still forgivable, but this woman, who should already think with her head, and not in another place, does not reach simple truths. In other matters to hell with them. I have no time for them now.

These indicators are encouraging, but damn it ... I still have to go to the police station, but judging by the indicators of relations, my authority among the police has increased. And a hundred pounds is either Bullock, or Rick, or both of them! Here are the bazaar women! But I still have to call Rene and go with her in the same car ...

- It's a shame how ... - I whispered.

- Do not worry, you were at your best, dear! - and received a kiss from Pam, after which she went to work.

- Listen to Aizi-i-i-i! - one blondie hung around my neck. - Maybe I still have a chance? BUT!

- Not! And in general, I have to go to work. So have fun here ... alone.

- You are so cruel with Ivy ... - Quinn pouted offendedly and went upstairs.

In the meantime, I plucked up courage and called Renee so that she would pick me up. And the coolest thing is that my relationship with her after what happened rose by + 150 ...

She drove up for me in forty minutes.

It was not easy for me, I apologized to her for yesterday, she smiled and poked me along the way several times about this, but everything was fine.

My most unloved moment in life from now on, when I went into the old building of the Gotham City Academy, which was allocated to us for a temporary site, and all our colleagues applauded and smiled at me. Ur-r-r-childbirth!

Gordon greeted us with a serious face, I did not even have time to apologize for the annoying incident, as he simply told me and Rene that several additional things were piled on us on trifles and that she and I would need to read a couple of lectures elementary schools, that we are so good, and the bandits are bad, bad ... In general, because of our "cute" faces and the right approach to people, we were sent on this "sacred mission". Well, lastly, Bullock asked me about the attack on me by the Ligovites. I told him a prepared legend with the omission of some moments and they let me go.

That's all.

After that, my working days began. But with a more flexible schedule. Strange as it may sound, but the destruction of the police station helped me in my service and rest.

I also realized that I can choose the "Path of development" in terms of the chakra. I am now most impressed by two options: Genjutsu and Fuinjutsu. Both cost 50 free points to unlock the direction. But the problem was that I wanted to choose Genjutsu first. It is very useful especially for interrogation or intimidation, but the techniques are very expensive for points. But in Fuinjutsu it is much cheaper than technology. For example, 10 points - "Explosion-seal", which actually was in my lap, but it was enough. So I took the path of fuinjutsu.

Now work, work and work again ...

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