

So that's the story for the past three months; after much deliberation, they finally decided not to tell Rafael about Jasmine, a beautiful woman, his wife.

 They also hid the fact that King had been found. Albert and Regina secretly investigate King while waiting for Rafael's condition to recover and be ready to face King together fully.

 "You can use the name Zack." Albert gives Rafael a new ID; he edited the photo in the state database, replacing it with Rafael's face.

 After the healing process went well, Rafael was able to adapt to his new life once again. He lived with his new identity as Zack, the man that Regina had killed instead of Rafael.

 Rafael also began to train his abilities again. He recognized every weapon that was in the church basement. Rafael often asks, would an injury in his head affect his ability as a sniper?

 "I don't know. You'll have to try it yourself to find out." Regina shrugged her shoulders.

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