
The Treasure

The team's relentless assault began to show results. The shadowy creature's form flickered and distorted under the barrage of attacks, its malevolent red eyes dimming. The concentrated beams of light from the crystalline beasts seemed to be unraveling the very fabric of its existence, forcing it to reveal its vulnerabilities.

Reign poured every ounce of his energy into maintaining the barrier and directing the crystal's power. He could feel the strain on his body and mind, but he pushed through the pain, knowing that they were on the verge of victory.

Wolf's blade found purchase in the creature's chest, piercing through its ethereal form and striking something solid. The creature let out a deafening roar, its entire body convulsing as if in agony. Shadow, seizing the opportunity, plunged his daggers into the same spot, twisting them to inflict maximum damage.

"It's weakening!" Wolf shouted, his voice filled with determination. "Keep up the pressure!"

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