

The relationship between Liiza and Yeza was far from good, but the latter still loved her greatly. She had been on the balcony of the palace's central building when the chaos had unfolded, and she had immediately noticed the dark-green lightning bolt hitting Liiza.

Yeza was incredibly strong. Her position had requirements that went beyond simple political skills, and she met all of them perfectly. However, her power was useless in that situation. Liiza was too far away.

Despair had started to spread in Yeza's mind when she realized how powerless she was in that situation. Still, a peculiar scene unfolded in her vision before she could lose herself to grief. She saw Khan unleashing an unfathomable speed and jumping after her daughter while everyone had yet to realize what was happening.

Something strange happened in Yeza's mind. She wasn't thinking clearly, but she still felt confident that Khan would succeed in saving her daughter's life.

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