

"Ugh…" Sonic groaned, barely opening his eyes. He looked around, and though his hazy vision yielded little to no visual feedback, he felt a sense of familiarity, a positive bond with his current location. He got up as his vision cleared. The last remnants of recollection from his pleasant dream drained from his mind. He fell to the side clumsily, but caught himself on the bedside table. The preceding events flashed before him. He looked to his arm, and realized it was long past healed up. His fur where the scrape was was sticky with bandage residue. He pinched at each hair dryly to try and get the residue off, to small success.

"Sonic? Is that you making all that noise?" Tails' voice groaned. Tails was Sonic's best friend, had been ever since they met as children.

"Yeah?" Sonic asked. When the words escaped his throat, it felt and sounded as though he hadn't talked in more than a few days. Sonic was quiet, but not THAT quiet. It must have been a while since he was launched into space from the Robo Utopia. Sonic's eyes widened. If it had been that long… and he failed at stopping Robotnik… what did that mean for their rival countries he had the intuition to protect from the Robo Utopia?

Tails opened the door. "Phwew… for a second, I thought you'd never wake up!" Tails sighed. He looked up to Sonic, miffed. "Just what were you thinking going off into space like that? You could have gotten yourself killed!"

Sonic scratched his forehead. "It's complicated."

"No kidding," Tails replied, cracking his knuckles. "Ever since you made headlines with your little space adventure, Swatbots keep coming to my door every hour, they say they're looking for you."

"How come?" Sonic asked, though he felt he knew the exact reason…

"They said something about a very casual brunch with Robotnik," Tails answered. "I knew something was up, so I said I hadn't seen you." Sonic looked confused. "And that was a lie. I'm the one who saved you, with the Tornado." The Tornado was their shared biplane. "I flew it up to space to---"

"You lied to the Algorithm?" Sonic asked. The Algorithm was basically the automated system that the whole country had its laws founded upon. He then remembered the whole reason he was here was that he had committed one of the highest acts of treason. "I mean… thanks."

"What were you doing near the Robo Utopia, anyways?" Tails asked.

"Funny story, actually," Sonic chuckled. Tails looked over to him with fury crackling in his eyes like fire. Sonic's fake smile fell. "Look, I had a feeling Robotnik was up to something when I saw him leave Robotropolis so early."

"He said he was getting that laser hair removal," Tails growled, sounding it out to Sonic sharply like he was an imbecile.

"I followed him to Area 99," Sonic almost yelled. "He had a space shuttle, and said he was going to wipe out the Iron Dominion and UF with Robo Utopia!"

"The Iron Dominion and United Federation are below us," Tails growled. "Don't you know the kinds of things they do over there? It's only ALL we ever see on Satellite TV!"

"So what if they're our enemies? They're still people!" Sonic shouted furiously. "I'm telling you, it's a conspiracy! Robotnik is up to no good, he tried to kill me with something he called a 'Metal Sonic'!" Sonic stopped, and took a deep breath. "And you saved me. So that's how I know you're still on my side, despite what you say, Tails."

Tails sighed. "You're right… I just don't want to believe you." He looked away. "I've had a suspicion that we're being lied to by the empire for some time now. I'm pretty smart, and... you are too, so we've caught on by now… but others? It's almost like they're no different from all the robots being pumped out by those awful factories." Tails peeked out the window blinds, to see the Central District of Station Square stories below.

The street was crowded full of ignorant people who thought they were living the best life possible in this world. Tails could almost hear their thoughts. "The air? It's nigh unbreathable, but that's how it is everywhere! The laws? Pretty lax as far as other places go. I heard in the Iron Dominion, you get shot dead just for uttering the great name of Robotnik! Also, the water is supposed to be that color. Don't you know it's part of a preserve?" It sickened him, the lies these drones were fed.

"Well, pack your things, Sonic," Tails ordered, turning away from the blinds and shutting them. Tails rummaged through the drawers to find pocket money and gizmos.

"What? Why?" Sonic asked. Tails frowned.

"Sonic, we can't stay here," Tails said. He continued rummaging. "Don't you know what they're going to do if they find you? Sonic… they want to kill you." The reality sunk in that Sonic had to leave his home. Where would he go? How would he eat? Who would even take him in? He was terrified to even set foot on the sand of the likes of the Iron Dominion or UF's beaches. But it had to be done. Robotnik himself was out for his head.

"Then…" Sonic stopped, looking for the right words. He then opted to say what first came to mind, even if it sounded rude. "Why are you coming with me? I could be outta here no time flat by myself. I screwed up, you shouldn't be a part of this." He said sadly.

"Why would I let my best friend leave me behind?" Tails asked, not even looking at Sonic. "We're in this together. It wouldn't be fair for you to mess up big time and then leave me all alone!" Tails cried, gripping the dollar bills in his hands until they crumpled.

"Tails…" Sonic sighed. "... I see. You're right, that would be really horrible of me." Sonic stepped towards the door. "I'm gonna find my Extreme Gear, I think I left it in the game room last time I stayed here. It'll slow me down enough for you to keep up on yours. C'mon… let's get out of here."

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