
Chapter 89: The Journey Continues! Tension Reaches A Boiling Point!

While the group takes a moment to recuperate, Navar's swollen mark on his neck continues to bother him, delivering a sharp sensation that forces him to wince. Miri's worried eyes lock with his, her furrowed brows showing concern. "Are you alright, Navar?"

"Like you would care,"

Miri rises from her tree stump, her eyes blazing with anger, and confronts Navar face to face. "When are you going to get over yourself?! Jax and I came here despite not wanting to, to ensure you would be okay! Can you ever not be so freaking selfish and stubborn all the time?!"

"I would have been just fine without the both of you comin' here. I'm not your child or anything."

With her anger reaching its peak, Miri delivers a powerful kick that sends Navar flying off the tree stump, the impact resonating through the clearing. "When will you lea-"

Miri's words are silenced as Navar pushes her to the ground, the scuffle between them drowned out by the whispering leaves and the soft crunch of dirt beneath them.

"Hey, you two cool it!" says Mei.

Mei, Seiju, and Astran rush to separate Navar and Miri, their hands reaching out to pull them apart. Miri separates herself from the group, her body tense and her back turned towards them as she shrugs her shoulders. "I'm going to take a walk,"

"Miri, are you okay?" asks Jax.

"I'm fine."

Miri disappears from sight, and Navar vents his frustration by delivering a powerful punch to a nearby tree, causing it to crash to the ground. "I swear I'm so sick of her!" Navar thinks to himself.

"Everyone. I have something for you!" Chonozori joins the fray, the sight of him clutching several wooden cups filled with a vibrant olive-green liquid catches everyone's attention. The aroma of the curative substance drifts through the air, captivating the senses. "Dude, what is that?" asks Seiju.

"This is a curative healing drink crafted by our clan's skilled Maidens. While it won't fully heal our battle-worn bodies, it will provide enough relief for us to press on," says Yimono.

"Wow, this tastes incredible!" says Chitose.

Chonozori approaches Navar, offering him two cups. "For you and your sister,"

"Thank you," Navar accepts the cups, relishing in the comforting heat that seeps into his hands.

"Alright, everyone, we'll recuperate an additional 40 minutes. Then, we will resume our journey," says Mei.

"Yes, Ma'am!" says everyone.

After the restorative 40 minutes pass, the group gathers their belongings, readying themselves for the next phase of their journey. Mei turns to Navar, instructing him, "Navar, find Miri."


Mei lets out an exasperated sigh before shifting her attention to Jax. "Jax, go locate Miri."

"Got it," Jax ventures through the forest, the sound of leaves crunching underfoot. "Miri, Miri, Miri!". After a few minutes of searching, Jax finally catches sight of Miri, deeply engrossed in intense training. The sound of her rapid strikes against the trees resonating through the peaceful woods. "Miri."

"What is it?"

"We're about to head on throughout the forests, and Mei told me to come let you know."


"Here, drink this; Chonozori gave us all a healin' drink to help us with our battle damage."

Jax extends his hand, offering the curative substance to Miri, who consumes it. "Thank you, Jax, let's go."

As Mei notices Miri and Jax returning to the group, she springs to her feet from the comfortable tree stump she had been sitting on. "Ok, guys, let's go."

With the group halfway through their journey, Chonozori clears his throat, cutting through the chatter and drawing everyone's gaze towards him. "Everyone."

"What is it?" asks Mei.

"In case you all are wondering, Jezebel and her brothers Enmal and Niack are classified as the highest class of beasts aside from the four supreme beasts."

"I thought there were only three classes of beasts. What are they called?" asks Astran.

"They're known as Hybrid Beasts, which are the 4th Class. The reason you guys are likely unaware of these beasts is that they're only from our world. Enmal, Niack, and Jezebel are far from the only Class 4 beasts that exist. In fact, we've fought a great number of them in the past before they stopped coming to us."

"Why are you telling us this?" asks Mei.

"Because if Enmal, Niack, and Jezebel are strong enough to give us trouble. Phyton will be an entirely different story. If you all are feeling overwhelmed or unsure of the-"

"No! Don't say what you're about to say!"

"You're so sure of this, why?" asks Chonozori.

"I don't like goin' back on what I say. We all made a promise to Watsumoto, and I don't want to let him down."

"Well, alright then. Since you're so sure, I won't stop you."

After an hour of traversing through the treacherous forests, the strong, gusted wind picks up, whipping through the trees as a massive rainstorm engulfs the surroundings. "Chitose, make a shelter!" says Mei.

"Ok! "I Conjure the forces of protection, Magic Spell Fairy Alchemy: Great Tent!" Multiple fairies join forces to create a vibrant yellow tent, providing shelter from the relentless downpour.

"We'll stay here until the rain stops," says Mei.

Amidst the restlessness of everyone waiting for the rainstorm to pass, Jax's attention is drawn to Navar and Miri, who appear distant from one another, the tension between them palpable. "I need to figure out a way to get them talkin' again," Jax thinks to himself. Jax's eyes widen, a spark of inspiration flickering in his gaze. "That's it. I know what to do!" Jax thinks to himself.

Jax bursts out of the tent, his heart pounding with the weight of his newfound revelation.

"Jax! What the hell are you doing?!" Miri races through the torrential rain, her hair plastered to her face and raindrops stinging her eyes. "Jax, stop running! Wait up!" Miri's foot catches on a hidden branch as she pursues him, causing her to stumble and lose sight of Jax. "Dammit! Jax, come back!" Miri rises, feeling the gritty texture of the dirt as she pats it off her knees and continues her pursuit of Jax.

Out of nowhere, Jax lets out a blood-curdling scream, the sound of it sending an icy shiver down Miri's spine. Miri pages everyone in a panic. "Guys! Jax has been caught! Hurry!"

Within moments, Mei and the others reach Miri's location, their hurried breaths filling the air. As the group arrives, they witness Jax cornered by a hulking, jet-black beast.

"That's another one of them," says Yimono.

"Of who?" asks Mei.

"That's one of Jezebel's brothers."

"It's nice to see I'm known amongst you Shizonians," says the unidentified beast.

"Which brother are you?" asks Chonozori.

"My name is Niack; it's a pleasure to meet you, son of Watsumoto. I think I'll enjoy killing the son of the person who ruined my father's life," Suddenly, Niack's back sprouts multiple sharp spikes. Then, he readies himself for battle, his sharp claws poised and ready to strike. "Now then, it's time to devour you all."

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