
Chapter 61: Infiltration For The Enhancer! Mission to Save Ozania!

The Cadets and Haru hurtle toward Molorx at breakneck speeds, their urgency palpable. "Looks like it's time to activate the Squadron Jumpspace," Haru presses a blue button on his control board with the lettering of Squadron Jumpspace above it. "Squadron JumpSpace deploying. Get all applicants ready with the correct formation," says an Automated Voice.

Haru presses a gold button on his control board, which activates the radio setting. "Ok, guys, we're about to enter a Squadron JumpSpace. Get in form."

"Got it," they all said. As they prepare for takeoff, the spaceships line up in a straight row, ready for the JumpSpace. As they travel through JumpSpace at incredible speeds, the stars around them blur into long streaks of light, and then they appear near Molorx's atmosphere.

"Alright, once we get within 300 feet of Molorx, activate the X-Ray Vision setting on your ship's lights. That should help us track the energy source much easier," Haru and the group fly for 300 feet until he decelerates his stinger's velocity to adjust his ship's headlight settings. "Ok, everyone, activate X-ray vision," They activate the X-ray vision setting on their ship and observe the energy signature trailing behind Molorx. "Ok, let's follow this energy signature to find out where it leads," For three hours, they trace the energy trail from Molorx until they spot a space station in the distance, illuminated by the energy source. "Bingo! As we suspected!" Then, out of nowhere, a swarm of neon green stingers surrounds the space station, firing photon beams at their vessels. "Oh shit! Everyone activate your emergency shields. Now!"

A blue shield materializes around their stingers, thwarting the photon energy bolts. "What do you suggest we do now, Officer?" asked Yuki.

Haru takes a moment to consider the situation. Then he presses the radio button as he comes up with an idea. "I'll flank these guys to get them away from us. The rest of you find the entrance to the space station and search the ship for that enhancer! Once I get away from these guys, I'll give you a hand!"

"Got it! We'll get it done!" said Jax. The cadets press on toward the space station, engines roaring as they dodge incoming fire. Meanwhile, Haru charts a different course to avoid the enemy's attacks.

"Ok, time to devise a plan to get these guys off my tail," Haru grins as he notices a colossal asteroid looming ahead, its jagged edges casting a shadow. "I got an idea!" He hides from the enemy's view by flying behind the asteroid. Then, he presses a green button, and two holograms of his ship appear. One flies to the left and the other to the right.

"Dammit! He placed down a hologram! Disperse and find the real one!" said a Goblin pilot over a speaker.

We now go into the POV of Jax, Yuki, Rojo, and Soma closing in on the space station's entrance. "We're closing in! Yuki activate that algorithm to get those doors open!" says Jax.

"Got it!" Yuki presses the yellow button on his control panel, and a group of tiny yellow nano bots emerge from his stinger. The bots attach themselves to the space station door, allowing it to open.

"Alright, guys, the door's open! We're about to land. Get ready!" says Jax.

They arrive through the space station door and step out to the sound of alarms blaring all around them. Rojo lets out a low chuckle. "Heh, seems they're expecting us."

They scour the area, hoping to find even a small clue about the enhancer's location. Yuki picks his nose absentmindedly and then wipes his hand on his pants. "Where do you guys think the enhancer is?"

"It's likely near the mechanical room, which should be in the lower compartments of the ship," says Rojo.

"Ok, which door should we go through, though?" asks Soma

They ponder the decision for a moment until Rojo's eyebrows shoot up, and he realizes something. "Wait a minute, guys! If this space station model is what I think it is, it should be an Imperak Model!"

"Imperak Model? What do you mean?" asks Jax.

"Based on its body style and how it's designed, the schematics point to it being that."

"Ok, that's one thing, but how does that help us figure out where that damn enhancer is?"

"The Imperak Model is a Two Hundred Year Universal War Era Station. That means the Mechanical rooms are in the lower left compartments. So we should take the door to the left, and a flight of stairs should be down a hallway!"

"I sure hope you're right, weirdo. Cause if we get led into a trap, we know how to blame," says Soma.

"Well, I don't think we have much of a choice! Now come on, we got a device to disable!" The cadets make their way through the left door and sprint down the hallway until they spot a door with a small window that offers a glimpse of a flight of stairs. "Look, there's another stairwell! Let's go!" Rojo tugs at the door handle, but it remains firmly in place. "Shit, it's locked."

"Well, what will we do?" asks Yuki.

"Step aside," Rojo removes a mechanical torch from his utility belt and aims it at the lock. Within seconds, the lock melts, and the door swings open. They walk down one flight of stairs and take a right, entering a narrow hallway. They see a double door with a large window at the end of the hall, offering a view of a turbine spinning at remarkable speeds. "Let's make sure this is the enhancer," Rojo dons his engineer goggles and activates the X-Ray setting, revealing the machine's inner workings. He sees a significant amount of energy flowing from the device as a trace of AC-X. "There it is. The enhancer is right there."

They burst through the door, their eyes scanning the area for the motherboard computer. Yuki adjusts his glasses and notices a thick wire snaking along the floor and ceiling, leading to a large monitor mounted on the wall. "There it is! The computer for the enhancer!" The large motherboard computer has a gray extension ladder beside it, and he uses it to climb up and remove a panel door on its side. He takes the V.M.I. and plugs it into an outlet to work. He reaches into his backpack and pulls out a hovering table, placing his computer on it to begin his hack, connecting it to his VMI.

"Ok, Yuki! How long do you think it'll take to hack that thing?" asks Rojo.

"It may take about an hour. Hacking these can take long."

"Well, we don't have an hour! Any other bright ideas?" asks Rojo.

"Hmmm," Yuki uses one finger to press against the right side of his nostril. He expunges a trail of snot from his left nostril, and it lands on his hovering desk with a wet splat.

Rojo grimaces and wrinkles his nose in disgust before covering his eyes with his hand. "Ew, that's gross!"

"It's not what you think," The snot crawls alongside the VMI and slips into one of the motherboard's slots. "This is a piece of nanotech that enhances the speed of viral injection. It'll make the process go a lot quicker. Like cutting it down by an hour."

As Yuki hacks away, his fingers frequently making a rhythmic sound throughout the room, the distant sound of footsteps grows louder and louder. Jax peers through the double-door window and sees a fierce group of armed Goblin and Elf soldiers hurtling down the dimly lit hallway. "It's a good thing he has that. Cause there are a group of Goblins and Elves coming toward us."

Good! They made it through the space station and they found the enhancer! Now all they have to do is hack and Ozania is saved! Problem is, those soldiers coming might present a big issue for them.

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