
102. The Four Horseman

Mack took a step to keep walking around the street, but as soon as he stepped forward he saw the three kids with horse's head glaring at him with those big horse's eyes. Mack could easily see rage in their eyes, and a realization came to him.

He had killed their father.

The kids seemed to accept that they could not take revenge as they just stood there unmoving.

Mack resumed his walk and passed by them, and without even looking at them, he said,

"My name is Mack. Come for your revenge when you think you are strong enough. I will be waiting."

The three kids clenched their fists but in the end went to get their father's body, later the same day they met an older brother, and together they swore to take revenge, and created what several years later would be know as The Four Horseman, a bandit group that caused terror in the entire planet.

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