

I was on John's back. We were flying towards the academy- or the dorms to be more specific. 

I'd sent a message to Merin before actually setting out. I hadn't received a reply from him.

Not a great sign.

"I haven't seen you this agitated since you got dumped by that imaginary savior of yours."

I was not in the mood. But still- "I wasn't dumped by her! And she wasn't imaginary!" She wasn't, okay!?

John chuckled but he didn't bother to form an argument.

Anyway, in under five minutes we'd reached the dorm and John took me down. I was glad he didn't drop me like the last time. 

I actually felt a lot better than before. At least I could now stand on my own without wobbling. 

But my arch-nemesis waited in front of me, the stairs of doom.

So, with a sigh, I started climbing. It took a lot, and I mean a lot of patience and perseverance. 

And after a long arduous climb, we reached the gates of mor- ahem, the dorm room.

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