
Chapter 99

What she feared the most was that Ron was an expert at aiming. There was nothing he couldn't hit with his slingshot. If he learned how to shoot arrows, he would be a formidable foe. She couldn't let that happen.

"Your Majesty, you do not have to teach him" she quickly said. "This is a game, not a training ground. I already said I would win him a pet."

"Winning one himself is a better feat don't you think, Princess Rose?" Zedekiel asked, turning to look at her.

"But Your Majesty, my brother doesn't like such activities." she insisted. She knew the way her brother's mind worked. If he became good at shooting arrows, he would want to learn how to wield a sword properly. If the King offered to teach him that too, Ashenmore would be even harder for her to grasp. She needed Ron to remain her naive little brother. That way, they wouldn't have to fight each other when she comes for the throne.

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