
Chapter 20

Zedekiel sat in the biggest tallest chair. As he took his seat, everyone else also sat down. The chair by his right was meant for the Queen mother but she quickly pushed Ron in that direction.

"Sit there for tonight my dear. I want to sit next to my darling Ludiciel"

Ron paled. Sitting next to the King?! If Zedekiel hadn't blatantly displayed his hatred for him, he would have been happy to sit there but... he peeked at the King to find him already glaring.

He gulped. "Uh...m-mother...I uh, I don't think it's a really good idea. Th-"

"Nonsense! I order you to sit there!" She said. "Or do you want to deprive me of sitting with my second son?"

The poor prince paled even more. "N-No Mother. That's not what I meant..."

"Good" she huffed then plopped on Ron's former seat, leaving the prince to sit next to the King.

What the hell was wrong with the Queen mother?!

Ron reluctantly plopped his ass in the chair. He could feel the King's heated gaze on him and he tried his best not to be affected. He had always wished to be close to Zedekiel but not in this kind of situation.

Good thoughts Ron!

Good positive thoughts!

He started to think about the upcoming talent show, which slowly eased his tension.

The oak doors opened again and the short man announced; "Welcome, Princess Rose of Ashenmore!"

Everyone gasped as a lady who looked a lot like the human prince slowly walked into the great hall.

She was dressed in a pure black gown. The top had a heart neckline, exposing her shoulders and a moderate amount of cleavage while the bottom was large and wide, taking up a lot of space in the hall. The train was also long and she had to walk slowly for there were no servants available at the moment to help her. They were all working to make sure the feast goes well.

Rose's auburn hair was packed into a tight bun with a few curls framing her beautiful face. Her skin was creamy smooth and her green eyes were sparkling with happiness.

The people of Netheridge appreciated the princess's beauty but they felt there was something missing...

The King gazed at the princess with a slight frown. At that moment, he noticed the difference between the human princess and her brother. Whenever he looked at Ron, his emotions were always displayed on his face. Especially his emerald coloured eyes. Nothing was hidden at all and he always had this radiant smile like the sun. So blindingly beautiful.

The sister on the other hand didn't smile much and there was always something hidden in her eyes. They were sharp and calculating.

Now that Zedekiel thought of it, he realized that Ron was somehow innocent. Or maybe he just looks innocent. Either way, he'd have to keep an eye on them both. Humans can never be trusted.

As for the handsome prince, he was having a hard time keeping his jealousy in check. His beloved had been staring at his sister since she stepped into the hall and he wasn't looking at her with hatred. Ron felt it wasn't fair. He wanted to cry. He had painstakingly nagged and nagged the royal cotourier to death. All for him to make the finest red robes ever. But the King didn't spare him a single glance.

How heart breaking. Anyway, he had other plans. Zedekiel will certainly not be able to escape.

Finally, Rose got to the seat which was beside the King. She had some difficulties getting in her chair because of the gown so Leo had to help her. Ron couldn't help but snicker.

Zedekiel acted as if he didn't notice. Who asked her to wear such an extravagant gown for a welcoming feast? He would most certainly not taint his hands by touching that of a human.

One by one, the people of Netheridge presented their gifts to the prince and princess, giving them good wishes.

Princess Rose politely thanked them as Leo collected the gifts for her but Ron, this prince turned it into some sort of fan meeting.

Ron genuinely wanted to engage with the common folks of the land so he affectionately thanked each person. He shook hands with the men and even exchanged a few good words while the he winked at some women and complemented their looks.

As for the really young girls, he would either kiss their hands or pull on their cheeks, cooing about how cute they were.

"Is this for me?" he gushed as he opened the present of one particular little girl.

The super cute girl nodded. "Yes. It's my favourite toy horse. His name is Menma"

Ron was touched. "But why gift me your favourite toy?"

"Because mummy says it's good to gift out the things we love the most. It increases love and happiness" she said it as if it was the most obvious reason and Ron was dumb to not know it.

The prince chuckled. "Okay. Since it's like that then here". He took off his favourite silver ring which was the first thing he bought the very first time he sneaked into town with his grandfather. It held so many precious memories.

His eyes went moist with tears. "This is my favourite ring. It's the first thing I bought with my grandfather. Keep it safe"

The girl didn't want to accept it at first but he quickly shoved it into her hand. She had no choice but to accept it.

The Queen mother was becoming more and more convinced that this boy must become her daughter in law. How sweet.

Ludiciel and Mariel wondered, just how nice was this prince? While Sariel and Tariel wished they would get something from this handsome prince too.

Zedekiel on the other hand, felt Ron was still up to something. Humans never do anything without reason. No matter how good Ron pretended to be, he would never believe it.

After all the gifts had been presented, Zedekiel announced the first part that Ron had been eagerly waiting for.

It was time to feast!

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