
Celebrations 2

Princess Beatrice looked around to gauge her people. They seemed happy with the festivities. The children squealed in delight as they saw the men dressed in their full head to toe armor, riding magnificent horses. Princess Beatrice thought her infantry looked marvelous. Prince William looked the most handsome riding his Amber steed, holding his helmet, under his left arm while his right held the reins.

They made a V formation. It was a total of 30 of them, polished and ready. Behind her men was a band, which consisted of six minstrels and one drummer. The children were in awe of the heroes. Princess Beatrice had to admit, so was she.

She felt badly for the way she acted with Prince William a few days ago. She had to get better control of her feelings if you wanted to make the council happy. He was trotting towards her. When they made eye contact he flashed her his charming smile, lightly kicked his horse and the animal sped up in her direction. Within seconds, he was in front of her. She had to look up at him. He quickly hopped off of his horse and immediately knelt down in front of her.

She could feel everyone's eyes on them. The parade had stopped. She felt her face growing warm and her insides turning to mush. She touched him on his shoulder and he stood.

"Would Your Majesty care for a ride to her seat?"

She smiled at him. He was very thoughtful.

She spoke. "Why thank you, Prince William. That would be lovely."

"I don't think this parade would be anything without you in it." He was looking in her eyes and she could feel how genuine he was.

She felt like she didn't deserve his wonderful affection.

"Come." He said.

She followed him.

He hoisted her up on the horse in one motion, being careful to make sure her skirts were not compromised. She watched him climb back on his steed. She felt the horse shift and balance, redistributing his weight. It was amazing to her the way he handled all of the attention being lauded on him.

Nothing seemed to faze him. He held his hand up, signaling he was ready to let the parade commence. His horse moved onward, followed by the procession. The people cheered even harder seeing Princess Beatrice sitting with him in such an intimate way. She saw hope in the people's eyes and a little jealousy, from the maids who fancied him.

The council may have been right in pairing her with Prince William. A young lady stepped forward from the crowd that lined the cobblestone courtyard. She reached up and gave a bouquet of wild flowers to Princess Beatrice. She smiled at the kind of woman, and took the bouquet. They kept going.

"You should wave, Your Highness," he suggested to her.

"I should?" She asked, surprised by his words.

"Yes, the people obviously are enjoying the parade. Why not let them bask in the memory. For some, this is their first and for others, it will be their last."

He did have a point. And what would the harm be if she did it?

"Alright, then. I'll do it." She said.

She used her right hand and gently waved at the town's folk. Prince William had been right. The people loved it. She saw one woman jump for joy, and turn to another woman saying, "Did you see ! Princess Beatrice waved right at me!"

She couldn't contain her amusement.

She giggled.

"There it is. I did miss your laugh," she flashed a smile at his words.

They entered the gates to the jousting arena. Princess Beatrice was very much looking forward to it. She had never actually been to a jousting tournament. Her mother would not allow it when she was a little girl. She would have to stay in the tent with Clancy.

Now that they were gone, Prince William had suggested she do something like this to boost the morale of her people. She jumped at her chance of hosting a jousting duel.

The wooden bleachers were still empty. All waited for the princess to be seated first. He dismounted from his horse first, then gently grabbed her by her waist and assisted her in dismounting. He held her left hand.

She used her right to lift her skirts slightly, as she ascended the small wooden stairs to her box seats. Clancy wasn't far behind with the knight escorting her. Then next to come was the bishop, and all the elite members of the royal court. The arena quickly filled, and the princess felt a sense of normalcy wash over her once again...

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