
The Black Book

1600's: Castle Fenway

"Your Royal Highness, your parents, the King and Queen, have been crushed in the destruction to the North tower by the catapults. We must leave this place at once! It is no longer safe." Proctor shouted over the commotion to Princess Beatrice.

She appeared to be occupied at the moment, searching the small chapel library frantically and paying Proctor, the newly deceased King's Valet, no attention whatsoever as the war raged on around them.

Beatrice was relentless in her search for the book. She knew it was in this specific chapel.

"Princess!" Proctor's raised voice stilled her movements. "Your parents..."

"I am not deaf, Procter!" She admonished him.

"We must evacuate and get you to a safe place."

"No!" She exclaimed.

Beatrice was known to be sweet-tempered and submissive. She was the eldest, but everyone thought her to be the younger sister. Adelaide was. She couldn't blame them. Adelaide was the most outgoing and beautiful of the two.

Today had been nothing but survival. Beatrice's people were landlocked and being starved out. The rations of Barley were already running low. A small army was banging on the gates of the Citadel. The North Ward was compromised and in the process of being overrun.

Beatrice had been told by the Bishop to never use the black book. It was cursed and would bring nothing but heartache. No matter what great power it could grant. Her parents were dead. Her kingdom was falling around her. There was nothing left she could lose.

Nothing left to believe in. God, it seemed, had abandoned her. That thought made it easier for Beatrice to justify her feelings and her motives at this moment.

"Do what you must, but I must find the black book of spells."

"Your Majesty." He was shocked at the words that escaped her young, innocent lips. "The Black Book of Spells must never be used. It can cause more harm than good. We must keep our faith in God."

She grew angry at his sentiment.

"Proctor, look around you! God has forgotten us!" Silence.

Beatrice turned her back on him and continued searching for the book. The muffled screams and cries grew louder. Proctor nervously stood up and took up watch by the door.

"Your Majesty, you must hurry. Someone is coming. Your Majesty!"

"Found it!" Beatrice popped the book out of its hiding place. She grabbed it and pulled the candelabra lever. A secret door appeared. "Proctor, come." She commanded him.

He obeyed.

With the dark book in her innocent hands, she shut the secret passageway behind them...

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