
648 Kilometres or 108 Hours

Nathaniel opened his heavy eyes, blinking himself awake. He stood up slowly and stretched the stiffness out of his muscles. From the hotel bed Diana stared at him, emotions uncertain behind sky blue eyes. This Diana was different from the previous one in the last apocalypse. Nathaniel had expected differences but nothing of this magnitude. Not only was she paralyzed but her entire personality was different. The past Diana was brave and defiant, almost shooting Nathaniel when they first met. [She's paralyzed and timid this time,] he thought, [I wonder what else is different?]

"Hel... hello," stuttered Diana, "please... don't hur... hurt me."

Nathaniel paused for a brief moment, his thoughts interrupted. Slowly he turned in his desk chair to look at Diana. He rubbed his eyes before explaining "No. I'm not going to kill you. I am in the FBI, I help people." he paused to pull out his FBI ID, proving his words before continuing "I couldn't just leave you there. If I didn't save you, how am I any different from the Undead that attacked you? Just because the world is ending doesn't mean we should give up being good people. If anything, it means we should try harder."

"Undead..?" Diana asked in a small voice.

"The resurrected humans. The zombies. I call them Undead since they aren't like the zombies you see in the movies. They can heal any wound and are literally immortal among other things." answered Nathaniel, getting up from his chair and sitting down on the end of Diana's bed - crossing one leg over the other.

The pair sat in awkward silence for a moment until Diana asked "If you're in the FBI… why are you here in Edinburgh?"

Nathaniel smiled warmly. [This version of Diana is shyer and more passive but is also much more inquisitive,] he thought, [I'll have to look out for more differences, not just in Diana but in other people and the world around me]. Regardless, he was glad for genuine human company again. During his years of solitude during the last apocalypse he had become desperately lonely. One forgets how important social interaction is until they are hunted by billions of Undead. Especially when some of them are your former friends. He trusted this new Diana already, despite the last version of her betraying him. [If I tell Diana why I'm in Edinburgh it could end up hurting me later, especially with Minerva as my patron], thought Nathaniel, [it's best if I dodge the real reason for now].

"I was on holiday, but I guess that's out the window now. Anyway, we need to leave Edinburgh and head to London." said Nathaniel, taking on a more serious and somber tone in his second sentence.

"... Why?" asked Diana, her shy demeanor slowly dissipating.

Nathaniel sighed. He couldn't tell her that he had been sent back in time and had knowledge of the future. If a god, any reputable and trustworthy god, suspected anything of Nathaniel's forbidden knowledge he would instantly be killed. He would have to remain vigilant from now on and give informed reasons for his actions or simply state intuition. The gods are always watching.

"There's millions of Undead in the United Kingdom and it's a small country size wise. Our best chance of survival is in Europe and Asia - where there's more landmass. More space means lower Undead density even if there are more Undead overall, easier to survive. It's our best bet." explained Nathaniel.

Diana blinked twice "That's very clever.. but why are you taking me with you? I'm para.. paralyzed and won't be much help."

"Like I said, I can't just let you die." elaborated Nathaniel "You may be paralyzed but I'm sure you can help in other ways. It's not the smartest decision or the most strategic move… but it is the right thing to do. I won't leave you behind, I promise."

Diana's emotions dripped down her face as the two embraced in a warm half-hug. [I will not repeat the same mistakes], vowed Nathaniel [I will save this girl from both the world and herself].

After several seconds of the wholesome embrace the two broke apart. Diana wiped her tears on her dirty sleeve and turned to face Nathaniel with a serious expression. When he looked into her icy blue eyes he saw no despair or sadness, only the cold fires of total determination. Diana, despite the reset of time and fate itself, had maintained her inner flame of self-determination.

"I'll do everything I can to help you," declared Diana with vigor, "I won't abandon you either - ever."

Nathaniel nodded, smirking slightly at the serious statement.

"But I just have one question before we leave." said Diana in a plain voice, with less of her previous shyness or fear.

Nathaniel raised an eyebrow and asked "And what would that be?"

"Could you please tell me your name? You freaking saved my life and now you're talking about a road trip but you still haven't introduced yourself!" shouted Diana.

Nathaniel laughed heartily.

"Ok Miss Demanding." mocked Nathaniel as he introduced himself, "I am Nathaniel Marshall Torres, former agent in the Criminal Investigation Division at the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the United States of America."

Now Diana raised an eyebrow "Former agent?" she inquired.

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure the FBI doesn't exist as it did anymore and I can't exactly contact them since all tech is dead. Also I'm in the UK so the chances of me getting back are very low at this stage. So, for all practical purposes, I am a former agent even though my badge is still technically valid."

Diana nodded slowly, processing the situation. Governments, organisations and even corporations had all dissolved within hours of the apocalypse. Most of society's wealth and communication systems were digital. All money in bank accounts, stocks and cryptocurrencies effectively no longer existed. Later, once technology began to function again, people would find almost every device reset to factory settings. As a result society, once telecommunications are re-established, has been reset to an extent. Regardless, it would be a while before technology would begin working on Earth again.

"I see" said Diana as Nathaniel packed the duo's final bag. While Diana had slept Nathaniel had found girl clothes in her size in a neighboring hotel room. "How far is it to London from Edinburgh anyway?"

Nathaniel smiled sadly at the blue haired girl and replied "648 kilometres or approximately 108 hours of walking."

Eyes widening in surprise Diana yelled "What the fuck?!?"

Nathaniel nodded "Yeah it's a fair walk."

Nathaniel himself had walked from South Africa to Korea. It had taken him almost four years to reach Seoul, which in the previous apocalypse became the Capital city for the remaining survivors around the globe. With a population of 10 million it also became the largest city in the world, second only to Stockholm and Sofia. Nathaniel even managed to live with some normalcy for several months in Seoul. He had worked as one of the thousands of defenders of the city, keeping Undead and hostile survivors from destroying the city. He had performed well in the Seoul Militia, rising to the rank of Captain and leading his own squadron.

However he had killed them all.

One day during a routine patrol the squadron's scout, a quick lean man known only as Castle, spotted a colossal war machine on the horizon. It stood well over a hundred metres tall and was emblazoned with mathematical formulas relating to business and economics. Everyone had heard rumours of this mech laying waste to settlements - survivors and Undead alike. However no one expected it to attack Seoul even if it did exist, simply because Seoul was too strong. Collectively the defenders of humanity's greatest city managed to kill Athena, the Goddess of Warfare, when she was driven to slaughter all her Angels after not following her commands to incite a civil war. However this led to overconfidence, so when the mech first arrived Nathaniel and his squadron believed they could handle it. They were wrong. Very wrong.

*** Begin Flashback ***

"Sir, there's something on our nine o'clock" cackled Castle's voice through Nathaniel's earpiece.

"Raiders, undead or hostile survivors?" asked Nathaniel, while reloading his M1911 handgun forged from twisted red metal - one of his two primary weapons. His other was a sword, another relic imbued with divine power like his handgun.

"Negative. It's… well… it;s a giant fucking robot, Sir" answered Castle nervously.

Nathaniel finished reloading his handgun and looked to his left. He, and the rest of his squadron, were standing on top of an abandoned building in outer Seoul. To their left was a colossal war machine that stood almost twice as tall as the building they watched from. It was constructed from a dark almost void-like metal and hulked menacingly in the distance.

"All units," ordered Nathaniel into his earpiece, "Prepare to engage. Trident formation, standard approach. Charlie, go big, Maya, fire up. Gator, let's hunt. And Castle, get building buddy."

Immediately all members of Nathaniel's squadron set to work. Charlie grew from a short woman into a twelve metre long hellhound complete with a mane of fire. She advanced directly towards the robot, flaming fur leaving an ashen trail in her wake. Maya, a seemingly ordinary elderly lady, ignited into flames as well. The fires coiled around her, forming wings and ever-shifting angelic armor. With a leap of youthful athleticism she took to the sky, summoning two blazing greatswords as she did so. Castle's eyes flashed blueprint-blue as ghostly cartesian planes and geometric equations faded into existence around him. As he ran his hands danced wildly, mapping out and creating transparent blue walls, fortifications and catapults. He was called Castle for a reason. Gator, the quietest of the squad, remained behind. His long urban-camo cloak and black gasmask completely concealed him as he bent down onto one knee and took aim with his sniper rifle. He was the only member without a Patron God or special ability, not that he needed one. Finally, Nathaniel himself unsheathed his sword and upholstered his pistol - racing up the walkways constructed by Castle to meet the hostile war machine.

It was all standard procedure, choreographed and planned.

They were all confident in their abilities.

Until it started to rain.

[End Chapter]


[Enhanced Appraisal]

Name: Diana Keene

Title/s: None

Essence: 4

Favour: 15

Reserve: 5

Power Level: 24

[End Appraisal]


Yes, Diana has more Power than Nathaniel

RansomRealdwincreators' thoughts
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