
Those who don't understand their own heart will be the ones who will suffer

Evangeline's words alone were enough for Bai Zemin to understand everything about what was going on; so it was unnecessary to ask for further explanations.

As an assassin who refused to obey the orders of Kang Rong and Lu Yan, Evangeline was considered a terrifying variant and a thorn in the eyes of those in authority inside the base. After all, no one knew when a shadow could sneak into their sleeping rooms and stab them in the throat while they slept.

In the past, a powerful level 20 soul evolver that could handle dozens of zombies at the same time was killed by Evangeline. This provoked the fury of one of the officials of the base, so this official ordered several troops to surround Evangeline and kill her no matter at what cost. Unfortunately for this person, Evangeline was more powerful than he expected and managed to evade a tight ring of bullets.

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