
Chapter 4

Walking into the building I'm awed by the extravagance and elegance of the building. The inside of the building was even more spectacular than the outside. Walking through the halls I get odd glares and scrutinizing looks. It hurts yes but I'm used to it.

The secretary told me to have a seat and within minutes I sitting in a chair across from a middle-aged, grey-haired man.

"Miss Walker I see here that you signed up for our online courses this morning."

"yes sir." his gaze just like theirs was full of scrutiny.

" you should legally be in school so why you are applying for online courses?"

"um sir my job requires me to be there 24/7 and if I'm not sir I wouldn't have enough money and I wouldn't be living in a house, sir."

"V-very well, here is your information etc for your course. Have a good day Miss Walker."

I got out of the chair and made my way out of the school. The looks these students give you are really unnerving.

Walking through the car park I'm just about halfway across the car park when a car stops less than 3 centimetres to my left.

I was infuriated. I had a bad temper and people did not want to get in my way when I had one. Turning around I am about to start yelling when I caught sight of the driver.

Of course, the only person that would willingly run me over is none other than the bosses son.

Giving him a very forced smile and a small head nod I turn around and continue walking. I had never been sworn at in high school and his string of cuss words was hard to ignore.

Returning back to the house I run up to my room and place my first lot of school work on the desk before walking down the stairs to get my secret stash of ice cream from the freezer. Grabbing a spoon I'm making my way up the stairs when I see a guy walking out of my room and shutting the door again behind him. He looks extremely confused.

"excuse me may I help?" I guess my ice cream will just have to wait for now.

"u-uh yes... I'm looking for my room. It would normally be here but I think it's otherwise occupied."

Now I'm just feeling stupid. My room was this guys room. This guy ...

"I can show you to Mr McIntyne and he shall arrange some new sleeping quarters for you. May I ask your name sir?" damn I sounded so posh and fake that if I was watching someone act like this I would punch them.

"the names Andrew but everybody calls me Bill." bill huh?!

"Please follow me Mr Bill and we shall find some sleeping quarters for you. If you would like leave your bags here and we will come back and collect them after." Placing his bags on the floor I turned around and off we went.

20 minutes later we arrived in front of a door a few minutes down the hall from my room. He stepped inside the room and gave me a small smile before shutting the door.

Going back down to the kitchen I grab my ice cream again and the spoon and make my way back to my room. I did about a half-hour of school work and then I went down to the kitchen. Putting my ice cream back into the staff freezer and the spoon in the sink I went to the cleaning cupboard.

2 hours later I had only finished half of the house. I still had the second floor to dust, sweep, vacuum and change the bedsheets. The worst part was that the second floor had more rooms and hallways than the first floor. Moving everything up to the second floor I started the short list for the extensive amount of rooms.

I reached the door to Wills room very hesitantly. Finally mustering up the courage I pushed the door open. His room was spectacular really. The colour scheme incorporated tan maroon and grey. I couldn't say I wasn't speechless. I started dusting his room, vacuumed the floor and changed his bed. I grabbed the laundry basket and cringed at all of the dirty clothes all over his bedroom floor. Grabbing a pair of gloves I picked up all of his clothes and put them in the basket that I then placed outside the door. Making sure I put all of the cleaning equipment back into the cart I started leaving the room. I wasn't facing the hallway as I had to hold the door open with my back so it was a huge surprise when I shut the door and there looking at me is Will.

He opened his mouth and started shouting at me that it wasn't my job to be in his room and cleaning it. When he had finished I calmly pushed the cart aside and stepped closer to him.

"Will as a matter of fact it is my job to clean your room and I have every right to enter your room when I need to clean it regardless of whether you are here or not. So if you wouldn't mind I will now go and finish my cleaning for the day." with a curt nod I sidestepped him and pushed the cart down to Graces room.

Grace was in her room sitting at her desk doing her homework when I knocked on her door. When I entered her room she greeted me with a smile and all I could think was that at least one of them was nice.

"good afternoon Grace. How was school today?" I asked trying to be polite and wanting to forget about the encounter with Will two minutes ago.

"great thanks ... Sooooooooo .... What happened today? It must have been so boring being at home all day."

I looked over at her and saw she had moved from her desk over to her bed and she was patting the spot next to her.

"Fine I'm coming ... But if I get caught not working it's your fault". I replied half-jokingly and half-serious.

Sitting with Grace and telling her everything that had happened was a relief. I told her all about my day. Well, almost all of it, I didn't tell her about my run-ins with Will today but I almost did.

"So I um kinda heard my brother shouting at someone before and I put two and two together figuring it was you ... So want to share?" she looked at me and I could see kindness written all over her face and the fact she looked like she genuinely cared made me crack and I told her all about this morning and what happened no less than 15 minutes ago.

When I finished talking she surprised me by giving me a hug. I almost burst into tears because of how nice she was being to me. After her hug she started talking about random things with me then she went back to her homework and I went back to cleaning her room.

When I finished I was just leaving her room when she stopped me.

"I know you're not meant to but I want you to eat dinner with us tonight. Being the only girl in this house can be lonely at times. So what do you say?" just as I was about to ask if I was allowed she cut me off.

"I know what you're thinking ... Don't worry about my dad and brother they can suck it up." knowing this I gave her a huge grin and gave her a hug.

"thankyou and yes I will ... Remember you get told off if I'm not allowed." I pulled back and looked at her for a second before the two of u started laughing.

"See you at dinner Grace". I said before letting her get back to her homework.

Another ten minutes and I had finished the second floor. Returning everything back to where it went I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a muesli bar and a glass of water. Heading back up to my room I grab my cell and head down the hall to Graces room. With nothing to do, I might as well sit with her until dinner.

My phone was still unfamiliar to me as Mr McIntyne insisted I get a new phone for my job because he didn't know how reliable my phone actually was. So sitting down with my new HTC One M7 I opened the new book app I had found called Wattpad and continued reading 'Nerdproof' By Skylar J. By the time I had to go down and get the dining room prepared fr dinner I had read about 5 chapters.

Paolo the chef was a lovely guy. His love of food reigned over his love for anything else. Tonight was potato and leek soup followed by lamb roast with all the trimmings, roast potatoes, pasta salad and many other things. For dessert, we had pavlova with strawberries, kiwi and blueberry. Setting the table I had no idea how I remembered to set out all of these forks and knives and spoons when I can barely remember what song I last listened to.

After setting the table I helped Paolo put all of the food on the table. I then went upstairs to make myself look respectable. I put my hair back up and changed into a cleaner shirt and dusted off my black jeans. Just as I stepped out of my room I ran into Grace coming down the hall for dinner.

"Oh my goodness Meghan you look stunning ... Do you have any idea how much I love this outfit!?" the smile on her face made me smile one of the biggest smiles id had in years.

"Thanks, you look great too". I muttered and with that, we set off down the stairs towards to dining room.

Just as we are about to enter the dining room Grace gives me the nod and smiles then enters the room ahead of me. Will isn't in there yet which calms yet puzzles me at the same time. Catching my breath I open the door and walk into the room. I pull out the chair next to Grace and return her warm smile. Just as I do Will walks into the room and suddenly grinds to a halt. I'm replying to Grace's previous question when I realise that she isn't looking at me anymore. I slowly turn in my seat and see that Will hasn't moved since I heard the door bang shut and that his jaw is dropped and he is staring at me wide-eyed. When I turn around it's like something clicks inside of him and I see something flash through his eyes before he motions me out of the room.

"Yes Will?!" I say when we are outside of the dining room. Before he replies however he grabs my arm and pulls me up the stairs and into a broom closet. Well, this was definitely not what I expected but ok.

"What the hell do you think you are doing sitting next to Grace at the dining room table like you're family or something!?" He spat in my face. Fury and confusion showed on his face. I cowered back a little and then realised I didn't need to be scared of this boy.

Stepping up into his face with just as much anger and fury as he had shown me I got very close to his face and spat words right back at him.

"why is it your concern if I sit with your family at the table? Is it because I'm your scullery maid or because employees are meant to sit in the kitchen with the other staff and eat their meals there without mingling with the high and mighty ones? For your information, I was invited by your sister to sit with you guys at dinner. I obliged because she doesn't like being the only girl at the table and have to listen to the car or college talk that most guys talk about. How about you keep your temper intact and keep your nose out of the business that doesn't concern you!" I was now out of breath and I could feel the rage finally dying down. It was only now that I realised just how close we had become I the confined space.

# Wills P.O.V #

Ok, yes, I was furious why was she sitting at the table when she was the maid that was meant to be serving us. But then she turned around and I saw a resolve in her eyes that I had never seen before. Pulling her up the stairs I was going to take her into my room to talk but thought that would be too obvious so I resort to the broom cupboard kept up the other end of the hallway.

"What the hell do you think you are doing sitting next to Grace at the dining room table like you're family or something!?" I spat in her face. Okay maybe I shouldn't have been that mean but you had to be firm with the prissy little rich girls that came in here working for money.

"Why is it your concern if I sit with your family at the table? Is it because I'm your scullery maid or because employees are meant to sit in the kitchen with the other staff and eat their meals there without mingling with the high and mighty ones? For your information, I was invited by your sister to sit with you guys at dinner. I obliged because she doesn't like being the only girl at the table and have to listen to the car or college talk that most guys talk about. How about you keep your temper intact and keep your nose out of the business that doesn't concern you!" she was out of breath and standing incredibly close to me.

Before I was able to say something to her the door opened.

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