

Following the impromptu lunch meeting with Lucian I went with Kyle and Bastian to see Ronnie. She applauded me for my ability to close the case fast but she didn't know the details of what had happened to me while I was away. She never would know either, she just wouldn't understand it at all.

After I secured the funds for my payment we all left. It was time to figure out exactly what we were going to be doing from here on out. I know we had talked about adding Bastian to my team, not that I ever considered the fact that I had a team. It had always just been me and EZ working together, we were a duo yes, but I never thought of us as an official team. Now however, I had EZ, Kyle, Bastian, and I couldn't forget about the vampire name Laremy that was so inclined to help me out as well. I really was forming a team here.

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