
Magic failure

Although the magical mushrooms have been successfully cultivated, only a small amount has been barely produced by now.

 Even if magical mushrooms are valuable, they may not be enough to make a lot of money with a small number.

 After all, I have to increase the scale a little more.

 However, there are some concerns.

 It was about the storage location.

 My family is a poor farming family, and the space for storing various things has already run out.

 After all, I've recently piled up what I got in the fields to make sandals from Hatsuka stalks.

 I need a place to store the magical mushrooms that have been successfully stored and cultivated.

 No, in this case, it's better to call it a building than a place.

 Therefore, I decided to improve the magic which I used to only cultivate the fields.

 When cultivating a field, I have succeeded in transforming the hard soil of the ground into fluffy, soft and nutritious soil.

 In that case, basically, the ground can be flattened and the soil can be raised to make ridges so that the crops can grow easily.

 If so, it should not be impossible to change the shape of the soil to create a building.

 Based on this hypothesis, I decided to challenge the magic to create architecture.

 * * *

 It's been a few years since I learned my first type of magic, even though I tried new magic.

 It's not that I didn't try anything during that time.

 However, because the amount of my magical power was not so much, my control had not grown to the point of building a structure.

 However, when cultivating a field, it is often possible to cultivate a wider area at once, and I often feel the growth of my abilities.

 It shouldn't be an impossible challenge to create a building.

 Then, once again, I thought about the laws of magic that were vaguely inside of my head.

 The first thing that comes to mind is that it is difficult to create something out of nothing.

 For example, let's imagine an attack that uses earth magic, which is often used in games, to shoot stone gravel from the palm of your hand.

 I reach out into the empty air and stick out my palm.

 The magical power kneaded from the whole body is collected into the palm of the hand to generate stone gravel, which is then blown at a speed that can cause damage when it hits the target.

 It is not impossible to actually realize these things by clearly imagining the attacks in your head and consuming magical power.

 No, but the backlash of having used up too much magic is worse than I expected.

 From a personal point of view, it would be quite inefficient to produce stone gravel from nothing.

 After all, if I just cultivate the field, there is no problem even if I activate the magic to cultivate an area of ​​several meters square at a time.

 From this, it can be seen that the consumption of magical power is much cheaper if the original one is used and not altered. (TLN: I think this is saying that it is easier to cast spells for what they were originally intended than to change their uses.)

 However, for some reason I can't use magic well except in the soil.

 Any attempts to use water or light magic are unsuccessful.

 Will it be possible someday?

 Another thing to worry about is that with my earth magic, earth and stones can be changed relatively easily, but metal substances cannot be changed at all.

 I wish I could have made metal from the soil and sold it, but that wouldn't be possible.

 In other words, it is not possible to create a building made of magic with metal as of now.

 Considering these things, it may be better to take on the challenge of building a storehouse.

 It is said that the insides were hard to burn in the Edo period when there were many fires, and they are easy to imagine because I have seen them several times.

 While firmly imagining the storehouse in my head, I repeatedly take deep breaths to concentrate my magical power.

 Then, just like when cultivating a field, I touch the ground and send magical power into the soil.

 ... Doss.

 The moment I tried to cast the magic, I fell to the ground having fainted.

 * * *

 It may be called acute magic deficiancies.

 My mother found me fainted behind the house a few hours after I tried to cast magic.

 I managed to wake up that night, but I had a bad headache and couldn't stand, so I fell asleep again.

 The symptoms remained until the next day.

 The next day, I was able to move, but I was resting just a little more just in case.

 I think the reason I suddenly lost consciousness was probably because my magical power had been exhausted.

 The enhancement magic that I often use when doing hard work is used by sending the magical power that has been gathered in my body to my entire body.

 That is, magical power was involved in moving my body, and I may have lost consciousness because it suddenly disappeared in a moment's time.

 The result was a failure, but I decided to think it was a meaningful failure.

 Because I was able to know that there is such a thing as stopping life activities the moment your magical power is exhausted.

 In the worst case, I'm horrified to think that it wouldn't be strange if I had died.

 By the way, why did the magical power disappear so suddenly?

 I think the cause is probably the relationship between area and capacity.

 For example, suppose that the soil on the ground is cultivated in a field 10 m long and 10 m wide.

 Consider that the amount of magical power used for this is simply 100.

 Then, what happens if a building is built with the same size of 10x10 this time?

 If the area is 10m high, 10x10x10 would be 1000.

 Perhaps the amount of magical power used when creating a building is not the amount of soil to be used or the total area of ​​the walls of the building to be built, but the capacity of the building which it occupies.

 When I came to the back of the house for the first time in a few days, the soil had remained in a state of being scooped out as a trace of the magical failure the other day, but from the amount alone, I did not think that my magical power would be completely lost from my body.

 With that in mind, I decided to switch from the decision of creating a building directly to the creating the materials for a building.

 The method was to change the soil into bricks and later stack them on their own.

 That day, the creation of bricks using magic succeeded, and I decided to keep making them.

 However, constructing a building directly from magic cannot be given up just because it is but a dream at this moment.

 I vowed in my heart that I would continue to take on challenges.

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