
Third Arc (Fallen Heart) - 265. Legacy III

Third Arc (Fallen Heart) - 265. Legacy III

Soldiers and servants, moving with a hurried sense of purpose, weaved through the labyrinthine halls. The air hummed with frenetic energy as they grappled with the remnants of yesterday's celebration.

Discarded goblets and half-empty plates were scattered haphazardly, remnants of a night that had transformed from jubilant festivity to somber contemplation. The echoes of yesterday's mess still clung to the walls.

The servants, faces etched with weariness, labored tirelessly to erase any traces of the previous night's excitement. Tapestries depicting joyous scenes were swiftly replaced with ones befitting a mourning atmosphere.

Preparations for the unexpected burial of Prince Ilex added a layer of urgency. The corridors echoed with the clatter of armor and muted conversations as the castle metamorphosed from a stage of revelry to a mourning.

In this unprecedented reversal, the castle's inhabitants grappled with the logistical challenge of navigating the delicate line between celebration and sorrow.

King Gervis, draped in the heavy cloak of grief, insisted on shouldering the weight of his son's funeral preparations. His heart, a battlefield of conflicting emotions, grappled with the raw devastation of Ilex's loss. King Gervis faced an internal struggle—the desire to lay blame and the unyielding grasp of reality.

Deep within, a storm brewed, fueled by the suspicion that Angel was the mastermind behind the tragic events. Angel's manipulation had led Ilex down the path of rebellion. The desire to blame Angel clawed at King Gervis, a desperate need for someone to hold accountable for the gaping void left by Ilex's death.

Yet, as King Gervis faced the harsh truth, his rational mind emerged from the shadows of grief. Ilex had openly attacked Angel, his intentions laid bare—he sought the king's life. The bitter pill of acceptance lodged in King Gervis's throat. His son, misguided and manipulated, had initiated the rebellion that ultimately led to his own downfall.

King Gervis couldn't escape the haunting notion that Angel, despite his innocence in Ilex's crimes, had orchestrated the tragic outcome. The evidence, however, stood solidly against such accusations. Angel's alibi and logical reasons provided an impenetrable fortress, deflecting blame.

He struggled with the duality of his emotions. He yearned for retribution, a way to reclaim justice for his fallen son. Yet, the reality of Ilex's culpability hung heavy, forcing the grieving king to confront the harsh truth that even in the throes of mourning, justice must be served impartially.

Ophelia, adorned in mourning attire, moved through the castle corridors. Unable to remain a mere observer of her father's pain, Ophelia decided to join him in this heartbreaking task.

Her heart bore witness to the duality of her role in this tragedy. Yes, Ilex's actions had ignited the rebellion that led to his own demise, a bitter reality she couldn't overlook. Yet, as she looked around the castle now bereft of one prince and faced with the precariousness of Asteria's future, a new dilemma unfolded.

Asteria, once reliant on the support of two dependable princes, Ilex and Angel, now faced the harsh truth of being left with only her father. Ophelia's gaze lingered on the void left by Ilex's absence. The loss wasn't just a personal one for King Gervis; it cast a shadow over Asteria's future and the stability of their kingdom.

Ophelia, recognizing the gravity of her father's solitary position, felt an innate responsibility to fill the void left by Ilex's departure. Her steps echoed in the corridors, not just as a mourner, but as a princess determined to support her father in this trying time.

The sun descended beyond the horizon, casting a warm golden glow that gradually yielded to twilight's embrace, the castle settled into a hushed stillness. The air hung heavy with a subdued atmosphere, the weight of the news spreading through the castle like a whispered lament.

In the capital of Asteria, the streets mirrored the castle's transformation. A veil of sadness draped over the city as the sun dipped below the horizon. The news of a royal family member's demise had been heralded by the somber tolling of a bell—a signal that something of great importance had occurred.

The initial assumption that King Gervis had met his end gave way to an even more profound shock when the truth was unveiled. An announcement, read aloud and posted for all to see, declared that it was Prince Ilex who had passed away. A collective gasp resonated through the capital, reverberating through the streets like an unexpected gust of wind.

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