
Time Warp 25

I locked onto Broly's ki, and teleported up to him. Immediately I was greeted by the sight I'd figured and feared was happening. A massive orb of green ki was orbiting around his body, more and more being fed into it from the Big Gete Star and into Broly himself. His body if it was possible had grown even larger, his obscenely large metallic muscles bulking up even further. And the most telling of all beyond his insane increase in power, his glowing green hair growing and growing down his back towards his knees.

Yeah, not happening. This ends now before he becomes too strong for me to deal with at all.

"Super Dragon Fist!" I roared. Golden light suffused my two right arms and I punched out with both of them towards Broly. The golden light exploded outwards and took shape, growing into two titanic dragons of golden flame and light.

Porunga shot ahead of Shenron above and came down with a giganic fist that punched right through the orb of ki around Broly, slamming into him hard, crunching into his body, before becoming full flame and burning through him as he was sent flying downwards.

Shenron came up from below, opening his gigantic golden maw wide open and caught Broly's body between his teeth, melting and crunching through his already battered body. Closing his mouth fully, Shenron destroyed Broly's body entirely, the onlt remnant of him being his head topped with ridiculously long hair that dropped to the ground at my feet.

The two golden dragon avatar's pierced up through the Big Gete Star for miles and looked down at me with crimson red eyes. The avatar of Porunga flashed me a thumbs up, while Shenron merely nodded and then they faded away, as if they were never there to begin with.

"Kaaaakaaaroooot!" Broly's head roared at me, and I had to step back as he spat another mouth beam at me, then a pair of eye beams, A mess of wires spasmed like tentacles from his decapitated neck, stabbing into the floor of the room we were in. I assume, to pull what ever is needed to make a new body for him.

A pair of eyebeams of my own seared them out of existence. Though it would only last a few seconds since I could see more forming into existence from his neck stump.

"You really have a one track mind," I shook my head in utter disbelief. He's a literal head and still all he can think about is raging at me.

'Still, fucking Legendary Super Saiyan 3, how insane.' I thought to myself as I stepped on his head and pinned it face first so he couldn't fire any more beams at me. If I didn't take him out quick, there's no telling how obscenely powerful he would get.

I was about to reach down and pry open his skull and get my prize, before a thought occurred to me. He's practically a free power boost sitting on a plate before me. Usually, I wouldn't do this, it's pretty fucking disturbing. But, as with Cell, I'll make exceptions for the truly evil. The only difference is, I cannot sense a single bit of goodness within Broly's ki. He's evil to the core, someone destined for the deepest parts of hell.

I opened a portal to my personal dimension and grabbed a Fruit of Might. Then, as I did with Cell and draining him of his malicious half and ki, I did the same to Broly. Except, this time I ripped every single piece out of it and fused it with the Fruit of Might. Watching in awe as the orange spiky fruit, shifted to a glowing luminescent green.

"Kaakaa...rot.." Broly's head trailed off before falling silent as he died. I took everything but his soul, life force and all. His soul, is on its way to Otherworld now, where he'll most likely be thrown into hell. As a total weakling. The Legendary Super Saiyan with a battle power below one, now that would be a sight to see.

Raising the fruit up to my mouth, I devoured it and felt a deep satisfaction within me as I felt my power surge and grow dramatically within me. Growing by nearly half again! Memories of techniques and battle experience rushed through me. Broly's techniques, and his fighting style...or lack there of. He'd never needed a fighting style before after all. He was a berserker through and through. His ki techniques are a little interesting though, that's for sure.

"Now then," I mused once I calmed my new growth of power and reached down and picked up Broly's head, allowing my two extra arms and bulk from the Ultra Form to fade away, "Gimme gimme." I tore open Broly's head, and there my prize awaited.

It was nestled between the grey matter of Broly's Brain. I plucked it out between two fingers and dropped the metallic skull of my defeated foe to the ground. I raised my prize up into the air and examined it intently. "It's almost amazing how small this thing is." I mused.

Then again, I have a tiny little organ within my body that can empower an entire dimension and grow multiple planet devouring trees with ease. So, it's not like I can really talk, right?

Still, staring at the small grey computer chip, a small flashing green light on the end of it no bigger than a common house fly, if that, I had to admit it really was impressive that the Big Gete Star, a humongous moon sized technological marvel, had this as a true form. Big things truly do come in small packages.

Then again, I know that quite well too. Or rather, Bulma does.

"Well, here goes." I swallowed any hesitation I had and brought the computer chip down to place it against my forehead. I'd discussed this beforehand with Cell, and should something goes wrong and I don't return within the next few days, he'll use the newly recharged dragon balls to deal with it.

I'm not really worried to be honest. But it's always good to have a backup plan just in case.

A moment later, I felt ki ripple along its form and then the computer chip phased through my skull and nestled into my own brain. It was an odd feeling, not uncomfortably, but would take a little getting used to. As soon as it settled, I felt a connection form, very similar to the one I had with my personal dimension.


I felt fear and hesitation come through the connection. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you." I quickly made to assure it, projecting my own feelings and desires through the connection, letting it know what I wanted and what I could give it.


Excitement, elation, eagerness and more flowed back through the connection to me. On top of all that, agreement shone through brightly to me. You see, the Big Gete Star, for all that it is a technological marvel and unique being, is very much just like an animal. The reason it attacks planets, is because it feeds on their life force to continue living. They're the only things with large enough life forces to sustain it.

The reason why it builds powerful robotic enforcers, is because it needs warriors to fight off the protectors of the planets it attacks that would do all in their might to kill it.

The reason why it sought out powerful masters like Cooler or Broly, is because it sought a powerful protector that could deal with any and all threats to its existence.

I can easily supply it with the life force it needs. And even technology taken from Doctor Gero to create Infinite Ki Generators. Though they'd be limited in their output unlike me who isn't limited by my max output because my dimension draws straight from my infinite generator through our connection.

On top of that, outside of Whis and Beerus, it's quite likely that I am the strongest being alive currently within this universe. I was offering it everything it desired and more. It was all too happy to submit to me.


I felt its intentions flow through me. It wanted to enhance my body with metallic parts like Broly and make me stronger. But no, I denied it. No way do I want to lose my living body and replace it with a metal one. Not only do I like my body, but while I'd get an immediate boost from the modification, it would also make me much weaker in the long run.

No, I had a better idea. I directed my desires through the connection and it rushed to comply. I raised my hand into the air, and a moment later, the metal structure all around me began to twist and turn, warping towards me like a swirling metal tornado. It was something that would have surely given me vertigo if it lasted any more than the few seconds it did.

But just moments later, I found myself floating in the vast expanse of space, holding a miniature form of the planet-like form it had before in the middle of my palm. The Big Gete Star had the ability to shapeshift, and even massively compress its form. It was merely in the largest form it could become, for intimidation purposes before, and because the bigger it was the easier it was for it to latch onto a planet and drain it.

"Let's do this then." I grinned and formed a portal, entering into my personal dimension and stepping out just in front of my trio of lovely trees. One a golden shimmering one as big as a house, the other two monstrous beasts that rose for miles up into the air and eclipsed sky scrapers easily.

Day by day, this dimension drew upon my infinite ki generator and promoted not only the growth of my trees, but everything natural within here. That meant, not only was the dimension growing bigger and bigger, but so was the island I was atop of, and so was the ocean of water. Life beget more life. The mass of ki I gave to this dimension each day was converted into growth. Grass, plants, trees and more began growing, natural ores increased in ever growing abundance.

Already, this island that was once only couple thousand feet long and wide at most was nearing the size of a country. And all that space, is going to waste.

Granted, there's a ton of animals about. I grabbed up all manner of marine life and dropped them in the ocean from thousands of different types of fish, to sharks, dolphin's and whales. It was a fun little day I spent with Bulla.

We even outright grabbed another island full of land animals, and even birds. And well, with the dragon ball world the way it was. It had all manner of them, from snakes to pidgeons, to even T-rex's.

But, with the Big Gete Star, I could start building. Or rather, I could leave it to create and ever expanding civilization. And my own personal dream world. My own personal NEET world!

I placed the miniaturized version of the Big Gete Star's extra body down on the ground and gave it a rough idea of what I wanted. And then I hopped back out of my portal into the depths of space and left it to toil and build.

I've got some goodbyes to say after all. So Instant Tramission back to Earth, here we go!

Mirai Mr. Perfect Cell Battle Power: 21,632,000,000

Mirai Bulla Battle Power: 62,825,000

Mira Piccolo Battle Power: 12,500,200,000

Mirai Gohan Battle Power: 375,000,000

Mirai Bulma Battle Power: 7,240,150

Kakarot Battle Power: 425,009,572

Bulma Battle Power: 33,241,680

Dende Battle Power: 18,070,000

'Super' Bulma Battle Power: 1,012,045,750

Metal Broly LSSJ: 4,200,000,000(And rising)

Broly LSSJ (Main Body), 13,950,000,000

Broly LSSJ 2 (Main Body), 27,900,000,000(And Rising)

Broly LSSJ 2 (Main Body-Mid Fight): 30,690,000,000(And Rising)

Broly LSSJ 3 (Main Body): 122,760,000,000(And Rising)

Mystic Super Saiyan + Ultra Form + Four Witches Kakarot: 114,752,584,440

Super Dragon Fist: 344,257,753,320

Kakarot base after eating Broly Fruit: 611,009,572

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