At first, there were certain effects, but with his passing, people began to renounce their faith in stages. After all, not everyone is obstinate. After a few prayers without answers, dozens without responses, any prayers afterwards were merely for show.
With the passing of Auburnli's teacher, the Hall of Knowledge grew colder and lonelier. As the students he personally taught one by one passed away, fewer and fewer people visited.
Only Auburnli still remembered this place. She occasionally came to clean and remember her teacher's likeness. A flame lit by the zealous believer slowly faded out.
After Auburnli's teacher passed away, his students did not disperse. During that time, the Church of Light persecuted all kinds of heretics and pagans, many of whom escaped to this place. Adopting her teacher's practice, Auburnli, along with her senior and junior fellow students, was very willing to teach anyone who was willing to learn.
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