

Last year’s field agent squad hang round Master Hugo's shed, watching expectantly for who emerges from the trees.

“Corey!” whoops Ashley as she runs across the battle arena to meet me. “I knew you'd make it as an agent.”

“You did?” Geordie stares at me in shock for getting an embrace off the most popular girl in Cloud High.

Ashley rolls her eyes onto her comrades.

Master Hugo coughs and holds out his hands. “My winnings if you please.”

Winnings? Dede and Pepper dig deep into their pockets. They pull out money pouches which they toss to Ashley and Master Hugo.

“You betted on me?” I wail.

“On you being chosen.” Master Hugo counts the coins in the pouch. Satisfied they're all there he pockets them.

“On me being chosen for field work? But I thought you'd given up on me on account of I'm too weak.”

Before I can go on Master Hugo holds up a hand. “Corey, I think we need to take a walk. Girls entertain our new recruits.”

Today is full of surprises. Master Hugo walks with me to his shed. This is so awkward. I've no idea why he'd have enough faith to bet a wager in favour of me.

“Those defence lessons weren't me giving up. They were the opposite. Ever since you told me you wanted to give relief to those in Lundune I've been drilling defence stances into you.”

“But why? I said I wanted relief.”

“Because giving people relief in Lundune is field work. You wanted to be a field agent without realising. Did you really think our relief workers wandered away from their offices to help those outside Cloud Association? You're a field agent Corey West. Not the regular kind but an agent all the same.”

“Every eventuality.”

“Exactly. Can't pick your role but can pick what you do with the role you have been assigned. Turn your orders into opportunities. I reckon you're less weak than you know. Pep talk over. Go enjoy your morning.”

“I thought we had lots to do today.”

“Lots of celebrating. Getting acquainted with your partners.” Master Hugo nods his head at Grey before disappearing inside his shed.

Celebrate. Super.

I want to join my friends but Grey is keen to be petted. Has taken to headbutting me in the chest. In response I pat his beak. Grey shakes his head as he lowers a wing as though inviting me to get on.

“You should know I'm a terrible solo flier.”

Insistent Grey headbutts my chest then nips my shirt with his beak. Pulls me over. Grey maybe smaller than the other griffons but has a strong pull and is still plenty big enough for me to ride.

“Greeey!” I scream in distress as he forces me onto his back and bursts into a sprint leaving me no time to get off.

Master Hugo pokes his head out his shed window as Grey takes off. “Oh gosh no, please come back,” says Master Hugo in the flattest of tones then closes the window shutters. No help there.

“Geordie help!” I think I'm shrieking. I've never been off the ground by myself before.

“Hold tight. Don't look down,” Geordie calls after me as I disappear into the clouds.

I wrap my arms round Grey's neck, squeezing extra tight, making Grey squeal in distress. I'm too scared to loosen up. Grey shifts about as he tries to keep balanced while bearing a challenging rider. Keeps flying through these dark clouds. Wobbles about but with purpose. Tries to up his speed which is difficult thanks to me. I give off fresh shrieks as he swerves to the right and goes back the way we came however gains a few more meters height. It's as though he's chasing something. Are there mice in the barrier? My grip gets ever tighter on this rough ride.

A gasp chokes me as a yellowy orange patch shimmers on Grey's head, down his neck, along his back, spreading to his side, stretching across his wings and legs, right to the tips of his talons and back paws, as though he's soaking up the sun. Grey is super bright. Even more vibrant than Hotaru.

“You're not Grey at all.” I try to loosen my grip. You're Sunshine, and I'm Al not Corey. You probably knew that already.”

The chase is over as Sunshine slows down considerably. I think that's for my comfort. I relax a little. As we take a rocky slow flight, a rush of energy flows through my skin, seeping into my bloodstream. I'm energised as though taking substances I shouldn't. The yellowy orange fades from Sunshine. Perhaps flying slowly makes him lose colour.

By the time we make a crash landing Sunshine is fully grey again. Only having managed to remain half seated I slide down from him while taking deep breaths. If I wasn't more hyper than usual I'm sure I'd be shaking. Wow we're like at Watch Post.

“Why have you brought me up here?”

Sunshine rubs his head against my chest.

“Playful aren't you?” I rub his beak. A beak which takes hold of the bottom of my shirt and tugs.

“Hey inappropriate.” I yank down my shirt as Sunshine pulls it up. Scared it'll tear I give up, let go. Winning the battle Sunshine gets the shirt as far as my chest. Holds it there staring. “Yeah I go grey too,” I whisper not wanting to think about going grey especially not today. Tears well in my eyes. Pretending I'm healthy won't work forever. What if the grey creeps up my neck? Everyone will see. I stare down at my chest. There's not a speck of grey in sight. Under my arm is clear too. “Did you bring back lost parts of my mind?”

Sunshine shakes his head.

My mind... I haven't reached the forgetting stage yet. Felt like something else left me like a part of my essence. Perhaps people lose their minds because parts of their soul are being sucked away by the Cloud Barrier. What else could this be? "Did you bring back lost parts of my soul?"

Sunshine inclines his head.

Those built up tears leak. “Thank you.”

Sunshine rubs his head against my hand as though to say: no worries.

“We're going to be really good friends, aren't we?”

Sunshine gives my finger a nip which I think means: we already are.

When we arrive back at the battle arena I see Chunk has decided to make an appearance. He jaunts about, tearing up dirt and sand, with killer claws.

Geordie waves me over. “Did you have a good flight? You weren’t gone very long.”

“Sunshine took me to Watch Post and back.”

“Sunshine,” exclaims Geordie. “What kind of name is that for a grey griffon?”

“An appropriate one. He’s beautiful like the sun above the clouds.”

“You’ve got odd eyesight.”

“An artist’s eye,” says Ashley. “You didn’t go above the clouds, did you?”

I shake my head. “I was clinging too much for Sunshine to get much height. Where’s Danny?”

“Pepper went with him on a test flight,” says Geordie.

“Aren’t you going on one? I bet Chunk is way faster than old Bramble.”

“Don’t feel like one yet.”

Ashley laughs. “More like Chunk won’t let you close. He tried to get a ride and got sand in his face.”

“He is big and scary,” I say.

“Largest griffon I’ve ever come across. He was the one Cain Dacota wanted.” Ashley gives Geordie this cute smile. “Chunk finds you worthier so be patient with him. He’s probably testing you.”

Our old tutor group make their way over the arena to get to their first class in room one hundred and one. Max gives me this horrid mean look.

“Is he still giving you a hard time?” asks Ashley.

“As always.”

“Shall we give them something to gossip about?”

“Will it help?”

“It won’t harm your rep I promise.” All for show Ashley smacks her lips into mine. Well there’s worse ways to get a bully off your back. I kiss the most popular girl in Cloud High. “You’re a neat kisser Corey. The best I’ve had,” says Ashley when we pull apart. “Who’ve you practised on?”

“My old friend’s cousin.” I fail to mention my old friend’s cousin was a boy. I thought I liked boys but kissing Ashley was fun too and she’s real pretty with her long strawberry blond hair.

“Whoa,” says Geordie. “What just happened?”

I wink. “Blonds have all the fun!”

“What do you mean old friend?” asks Ashley.

“Jess. She died.” I tap at my elbow and glance at Sunshine. I’m lucky to have someone looking out for me like I should have looked out for Jess better instead of hiding in my room.

“Yeah?” says Geordie. I don’t think he knows what else to say.

No more death talk today. “It’s okay I think she would be glad I wound up here. We planned on doing a lot of travelling.” Going travelling was a lot of pipe dreaming talk from twelve year old kids.

“To where exactly?”

“No idea. We were trying to figure out which countries were still inhabitable. Are there many?” I look to Ashley.

“Most of Zone Euro is a wasteland.”

“What’s Euro?” asks Geordie.

“Sorry I forget they won’t have told you yet.”

“Zone Euro used to be lots of countries across the sea,” I explain briefly. “They didn’t cope too well when the clouds came or so I’ve heard.”

Charlie must have been listening in because he looks right over at me. “Heard from who?”

I’m a Harlington meaning lots of important people from Cloud Association Headquarters come in and out the doors of my house nattering on about what is happening in the world to my parents. Not that they ever took any notice of me. I didn’t really take much notice of them either, but some information sticks even when you’re not purposely listening.

“Was a thief, wasn’t he? Got his info from the Black Market,” snaps Geordie.

“So it’s not to be trusted.” Charlie leans back into his mopey bubble. Starts rummaging through his satchel.

Pheeew that was a close call. I know Charlie’s clever but forget how fast his brain functions. If Geordie hadn’t jumped in my true identity could have been sussed out super quick.

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