
Unwinnable Battle

Many old warriors grumbled and protested.

The shaman shouted, "Cowards, cowards. Why should a man lead the clan when you cannot face her in single combat? Woman are inferior? They are not strong enough? Prove it or shut your mouths." His hand reached out and pointed. "She faced the beastmen and nearly died protecting the land core. Less than a day later she is ready to fight."

"You're blind," Glum accused.

The shaman cackled and I was ready to dodge any spittle that flew my way. "I can sense more than you can know, and I sense no wounds on you. Did you hide when the beastmen attacked?"

Glum bristled and I enjoyed the shaman's words for once.

The main hall was full of the remaining warriors who were well enough to be out of bed. The news had spread of Reyas' return and the defeat of the beastmen. As more warriors filed in the mood changed. The new ones probably supported Ulfgrim and only the few who surrounded him were Glum's cronies.

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