
Chapter 54: CREED

For the rest of the evening we went back to the grindstone only this time with the new info from Travis' old man. Halfway through that shit there was a fucking roar that had each of us going on alert.

Cord, one of the SEALs was being held back my Devon and Quinn, two of his SEAL brothers. "What is it?" Logan their leader got into the fray as the rest of their crew gathered around them.

They were all looking at the screen before Cord broke away and headed for the door at a dead run. On the screen was the girl they'd brought along with them earlier, the one with the brother.

"Damn, she his?" I looked at Ty for an answer. "Yep." Shit, there wasn't gonna be enough of that old boy to go around. Ty and I exchanged a look over the others' heads before going back to work.

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