
Chansey chaining method.

The Bellosom is a level 22 Pokemon with Chlorophyll as her ability, spore moves, magical leaf and mega drain.

Joseph added the Bellosom on his party then he stored all of the four level 60-80 pokemons and just left the max leveled Garchomp with False swipe to do the Chansey chaining leveling method.

Chansey and its evolved form Blissey have the highest base Experience Values in the game. Experience Value determines how much experience a Pokemon forks over once you have defeated it.

Joseph also gave the Bellosom a Lucky Egg to hold since it raises the Exp Gained by 50% then he double checked if the Exp share is on and have enough Adrenaline Orb.

After all of the things needed are already prepared, Joseph called the Charizard ride again then they travelled to Poni plains in Poni island to start the level boosting.

Riding on Charizard's back while flying made the traveling more enjoyable, Joseph felt free while enjoying the winds that touching his skin. Joseph wants Charizard to fly faster but he knows that he will not resist the wind pressure if Charizard really did it.

Few minutes passed Charizard landed at the entrance of Poni Meadow, Joseph just need to walk south to arive in the Poni Plains.

Finally Joseph saw the rustling bushes he went near then a shadow jumped right into him.

"Chance! Chansey!" A pink egg shaped pokemon said with a smile on its face. An information about Chansey's level, name, gender and HP bar appeared on the top of her.

"I'm sorry to bully you and your fellows girl." Joseph took the pokeball on his waist then he threw it in the air.

Garchomp roared after he appeared from the Ultra ball, the two pokemon sized each other.

Joseph threw another ball-like thing but it was on Chansey's Direction, it's an Adrenaline Orb. Adrenaline orb is a consumable item that makes a wild pokemon nervous because of the chemical it releases, due to being so nervous the wild pokemon will summon allies to help it.

"Garchomp use False Swipe!" Joseph nonchalantly said.

Garchomp sprinted towards the Chansey, being a max leveled pokemon the 50 meter distance is a piece of cake.

Garchomp arrived at the back of Chansey, the poor pokemon didn't even noticed the movements of Garchomp. Garchomp's scythe-like claws glowed then he slashed it on Chansey's abdomen.

False Swipe is a normal type physical move with restrained attack that prevents the foe from fainting, this move is the best when it comes to catching wild pokemons in the game by leaving them with 1 HP unless you encountered a pokemon that knows Flail.

Chansey struggled to stand up the she used Light Screen after she used Light Screen Chansey immediately shouted to call for help. Another Chansey appeared that came from the bushes.

"Garchomp use Dragon Claw to the newly arrived Chansey." Joseph smiled because even if the battle isn't a turn based anymore, the rules of the game is still there.

Garchomp ruthlessly used his sythe-like claws covered with dragon type energy to hack the newly arrived Chansey.

The newly arrived Chansey immediately fainted after she took the hit. The situation repeated again and again while the Bellosom on the party is gaining exp through Exp. Share.




In just half an hour, Bellosom reached Level 55 and learned moves like Quiver Dance and Petal Blizzard. Joseph noticed that a pokemon that imported from his current "real world" can learn its leveling up moves without forgetting its already learned moves, 4 move capping is also not applicable with them.

Joseph closed the game and his consciousness came back to his body, he smiled then he stretched his arms.

"I can train my battling skills inside the game without using OP pokemons since it was not a turn based game anymore, hmmm... I should challenge the elite four and the challenger using same level pokemons." Joseph caressed the seemingly bored eevee on the table.

In a Hotel in Viridian City.

Verity was inside of her room, her face was full of smiles she was looking at the pictures on her tablet, there's a picture of a printed photo in the screen where she stared for a while.

In the printed photo, there was an adolescent girl with blonde hair that tied in high ponytail. The adolescent girl is wearing black jacket with furs at the ends of it and a messenger bag filled with books and maps.

Beside the young lady there's a man at same as the young lady's age. The man have a lazy look on his face but he looks so attractive, he's wearing summer outfit like he was in a vacation on a tropical island but the background of the photo is snowing, the guy was definitely cold.

The young lady was hugging the young man sideways like a old married couple. On the ground there is an Eevee and a Gible that staring at the camera.

Verity smiled then she called her mother's contact but she cant reach her.

"Maybe she's busy again, Dad was right being a famous person hinders your freedom." Verity turned her head to Piplup whose happily eating the Poke beans. "Right Piplup?"

"Piipluup!" The guy answered then he continued to gobble his food.

"Hehe, is the poke beans good?" Verity closed her tablet and placed it on her bag. The penguin nodded a lot of times, he really liked the beans.

"Well then, I'm always going to buy Poke beans as your food from now on." Verity patted the head of the penguin then she smiled.

"Why is the Viridian City's Pokemon Gym always closed?" A young trainer said while looking at the Viridian City's Gym.

"They said that the gym leader is busy." A young girl trainer replied.

"Busy my ass, it's been half a month since this gym accepted a challenge." A hot tempered trainer said then he spat on the ground.

"Hey you little kid, you dare to spat in front of the gym." A man that guarding the Gym angrily said.

"So what? I did it because I want it. I'm sure the gym leader of this city is a coward-looking snotty nosed kid." Hot tempered trainer said.

"No one is allowed to insult our bos- I mean our Gym leader, I challenge you kid." The man was full of anger and took a pokeball on his pocket.

"Tch, bring it on!" The hot tempered trained also did the same.

Meanwhile in the Pokemon League Headquarters.

Group of old men and 4 strong trainers of Kanto was having a meeting regarding to the sudden disappearance of Giovanni the Viridian City Gym's Leader.

"A report confirmed that Giovanni is the real manipulator of the criminal organization, Team Rocket." The president of the league committee, Charles Goodshow said to the other members of the League.

The members' expression became serious, Giovanni is one of the strongest person in Kanto that can toe to toe with the elite four.

"I already fired him on his position as the Viridian City's Gym leader, an elite four will replace him for now untill we found the suitable Gym leader to take the position." Charles said while his head was resting on his clasped hands with grave expression.


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