
Jojo's Pokemon Goods and Training Center.

A week passed.

The renovation of the empty space on the first floor of Joseph's house was finally done with the help of his pokemons.

During the renovation Joseph took some handyman inside the game like Machamp and Lucario to do the heavy work. After the work he gave them lots of treats and went to Pokemon Massage parlor for them to relax then they went back to their own pokeballs.

The shop is like your typical PokeMart; the shelves are filled with different goods for pokemon's wellbeing.

The only difference of this shop with others is there's a large space of place where smaller pokemon can play around, it's an indoor playground. Magikarp also have his own indoor pool and happily swimming around with other shiny magikarp that Joseph took to accompany the God slayer fish. The god slayer magikarp seems to like the female shiny so, yeah, the guy seems happy.

Mew learned Transform again out of nowhere and copied the looks of Eevee to play with them.

Joseph noticed that his pokemon's moveset are not capped to four moves anymore because they can remember all of the moves they forgotten inside the game over time.

The most noticable thing happened is Farfetch'd temperament, he became more swordsman-like and he even trying to put his leek on his waist like a samurai. Since the day Joseph's Farfetch's ate the Red Pokeblock he bought, Farfetch'd became addicted to it while the other pokemons doesn't like it because of its spiciness.

Joseph remembered that the Galarian variant of Farfetch'd can evolve into Sirfetch'd which is obviously based on western knights since the Galar region is based on UK.

"If somehow Farfetch'd evolve what would he become? Based on that little guy's actions and the region where he originated, there's high chance that he would become a katana welding warrior. The probability of evolving is high since his Galarian version can." Joseph drank some Komala Coffee then he continued. "Based on what I remember, the Galarian Farfetch'd can evolve after three critical hits in a single battle but that evolution method doesn't work, the next is using Items or holding it while trading which is slightly difficult to guess and I don't want to trade this guy and lastly evolution method that required to increase the condition of pokemon like friendliness and the contest condition."

Joseph concluded that the reason of sudden change of Farfetch'd is because of the red pokeblock that raises the "Coolness" of a pokemon. Thinking about it, Joseph remembered that some of the moves of Farfetch'd are also Cool moves like Leaf Blade, Air Slash and Aerial Ace.

"I should buy more red pokeblocks for Farfetch'd and see what happens." Joseph glanced at the Farfetch'd that sitting on the mat while his eyes are closed like a old japanese warrior meditating.

Joseph smiled then he took the signboard of the shop he ordered from the famous local painter of Viridian City.

"Guys I need your help to hang this sign on the store." Joseph smiled on the pokemons whose happily playing around.






Joseph and the little guys went out and hanged the sign above the store. Joseph named his shop: "Jojo's Pokemon goods and Training Center."

"Our shop is officially going into business!" Joseph brightly smiled as he looks at his shop, all of his pokemons cheered the they happily surrounded him.

Joseph took his newly bought Rotom phone, another rotom was living inside of it and sometimes Game console rotom and Phone rotom are playing with others every time they go out from their chosen gadget to be their house. Joseph gave the two rotoms a nickname, Siri the phone rotom and Alexa the game console rotom. The two rotoms agreed with it without hesitation.

Siri woke up when it felt Joseph's touch and hovered in front of Joseph.

"Hello Joseph what can I do for you?" Siri asked.

"Siri please call Mr. Pokemon via video call." Joseph smiled then he gave the little pokemons around him some pets.

"Affirmative!" Siri swayed then Siri dialed the contact of Mr. Pokemon.

After a few rings then the call was answered.

On the phone's screen, two old men can be seen.

It was Mr. Pokemon and the unknown grey haired old man wearing a lab coat.

"Hello Mr. Pokemon good morning." Joseph waved his hand and greeted the old man on the screen.

"Good morning Jojo." Mr. Pokemon also greeted Joseph with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Pokemon I would like to tell you that my business is officially opened and I hope you will be my first customer. The Training service I will provide for you is free and the best service I can give to your Bellossom." Joseph said then he presented his shop to Mr. Pokemon.

"The shop looks good, I will go there now with my friend he is also wants to meet you young Jojo." Mr. Pokemon looked at the egg on the table. "Oak! It's hatching!"

"See you later Jojo, I need to do some things here."

"Okay Mr. Pokemon I'll be waiting." Joseph bid his farewell and ended the video call.

Joseph went inside the store with the little fellas, Joseph took a Wailmer pail and watered the berries he planted on the vase on the corner of the room where sunshine can reach. Joseph noticed that the room was too space big for the little guys to play so he called Alexa(Rotom) to take out some cute little guys to play with others. He took Cleffa, Pichu, Igglybuff, Happiny, Bonsly, Togepi and Azurill.

He picked up the pokeballs and threw it in the air, the little cute guys came out from their pokeballs.

The first batch pokemons curiously looked at the newcomers.

"Little fellas go and play with others, If you feel tired just rest over there." Joseph pointed the soft and fluffy Snorlax cushion. "An if you are thirsty or hungry, just call me and I'll give you plenty of food."



Bonsly and Pichu immediately ran towards the slide after they heard Joseph.

While the rest curiously scanned their surroundings, Mew in her Eevee form went to the little cute pokemons and invited them to play with others. All of the new pokemons were played with mew and others except for Azurill who likes to float in the pool with the two Magikarp.

Joseph stared at the little ones with smile on his face.

"Being able to open a shop like this isn't bad at all."

Joseph sat at the counter and watched the little guys play around like a loving parent.

Over 20 minutes passed, Joseph noticed a kid whose peeping through the glass outside the store and he seems enjoying to watch his pokemons to play.

Joseph stood up and went outside.

"Kid, you want to play with them?" Joseph suddenly asked the kid whose happily looking inside the store.

"Ca-can I?" The shy kid replied.

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