

Davin lead Lilly to the garden that was at the end of his quarters. He opened the door that was hidden on the wall. When Lilly saw the garden her eyes looked in wonderment. Davin could see the excitement in her eyes, he could see how she held herself back from running straight in and exploring every corner of the garden. He showed her every tool she would nes get her work done.

He got out of the garden and headed for the courtroom. He made it to the courtroom and found all the kings waiting for him. All the men in the room got up to there feet and bowed there heads. Davin made his way to his seat then sat down and the others took there seats as well.

"Good morning gentlemen" Davin said while smiling. "I hope you had a pleasant journey. I would not like to waste our time here and talk about your boring journey. Let's just go straight to what we are all here for."

The kings were not pleased with the way Davin was addressing them but none of them dared to stand against him. All they could do was comply as none of them were willing to loose their heads.

"So tell me, how long have the disappearance of the villagers been going on?" Davin asked while leaning his head on his hand.

"Its been close to two weeks now Milord." Replied king Ruther whose land had the most disappearing people. "At first we thought it was the wild animals that had been killing them."

"And what is it if not wild animals that have been doing the deed?." Asked Davin.

"After some investigation, the magistrates have given the reports that some of the dead bodies found had no indications of any wounds or cuts on them."

"Yesterday when you were here you didn't tell me that there were dead bodies found. Why?"

"My deepest apologies Milord, but I got the report when I returned home yesterday." Davin didn't comment so king Ruther continued from where he stopped.

"After being examined by doctors, it was found that they were drained of their blood. They also had bite marks on some parts of there bodies."

"What did the bite marks look like Ruther?"

"They looked like they were caused by fangs Milord." Ruther's head fell fearing for his life. He knew the man who was attacking him with questions had fangs himself and he didn't want him to think he was suspecting him of killing the villagers.

"I see... So they are at it again." Davin said to himself with a thoughtful look. "From now on make sure no one roams around the villages alone at night and also don't let anyone go into the forest alone or with no weapon to defend themselves."

"My lord, if I may?" Asked king Zead and got a nod."Simply telling the villagers to walk with weapons and in groups won't help. We all know that your kind are more powerful and fast so those things won't be of much help."

"You might be right but at least by doing that they will have a little bit of sense of being secure."

The meeting went on for a few more hours till past lunch time. Davin had forgotten that he left Lilly alone in the garden with no way out.Soon after seeing all the kings off, he headed for his quarters to check on the girl. He didn't let her have breakfast and he was pretty sure he would find her crying since most princesses were used to having full bellies.

He pushed the door to the garden and started looking for her. He tried tracking her by listening to her heartbeat which sounded calm. He found her lying down on the grass fast asleep. He sat down next to her and his hand reached for her face. She then suddenly moved her head and he retrieved his hand.

She opened her eyes to be greeted with a calm Davin looking down at her."Are you here to have your beauty sleep or garden?" Lilly quickly sat up and blinked her eyes a few times.

"How long have you been sitting there?" Asked Lilly while getting up to her feet.

"How long have you been sleeping?" Davin asked instead.

"Umh.. uuh.. I don't know. For some hours I think."

Said Lilly while looking at Davin.

"Oh and you chose to take a nap while I'm away?." He tilted his head to the side before turning on his heels to walk back to the exit of the garden.

" Well you left me here all by myself and with no food."

"Don't worry next time I'll take you with me to the meeting so you don't get so lonely. There are some plants that need skilled hands when it comes to gardening like yours."

"That's not what I meant." Idiot. "I didn't know I would have to do the whole garden myself. I thought I would have company"

"Well why didn't you just say so. My pets have been feeling lonely lately, with all these meeting going on I haven't been offering them the attention they deserve. I think they would make good company."

Pets? This idiot really has pets? Thought Lilly to herself.

They made it out of the garden and they run into a maid in the hall way. Davin asked the maid to take Lilly back to the kitchen and give her food.

Lilly followed the maid to the kitchen and was shown which pots to touch and which not to. She served herself a late lunch and ate her food at the servants' dining table.

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