
Soy Boys Everywhere 5

Just over two hours later, you and Kurumu arrived back at the male dormitory building. Kurumu happily pranced all the way up the stairs, skipping and humming cheerfully as she carried the bags of food. And Moka was already in the room, you could sense her absurdly powerful youki up in your dorm from hundreds of feet away without even having to focus your senses.

You were just about to follow the blue haired succubus up, when a familiar, powerful youki blipped onto your senses, alongside another almost as strong one, making their way towards you.

You didn't have to wait for long, as a few moments later, Gin, dressed in his school uniform though with bandages covering half of his face and fully covering his hands. Alongside him, a tall, broad brown haired guy, dressed in only a pair of shorts and a tank top that showed off thick muscular arms.

Gin froze when he saw you, "..Kai.." he uttered, looking at you like a deer staring into a cars headlights.

The guy beside him stopped and blinked, looking at you, his eyes taking in your form before turning to Gin and raising an eyebrow at him, "This is the kid that kicked your ass?" he asked, grinning.

The werewolf grimaced, "Yeah..."

Gin was injured still, even if only a bit, and this guy felt a bit weaker than Gin. Moka was upstairs and would feel if things got out of control. But, even alone, you liked your odds.

You set the box of tools down and cracked your neck, "Here for a round 2?" you asked, eyes narrowing.

"Haaaah," Gin let loose a deep breath, reaching up to run his hand through his hair in agitation, "Man...I'm no good at this kind of stuff."

"Man up you wimp." The brown haired guy jabbed him in the shoulder and heckled.

Gin growled, but ignored him and bowed his head to you, "...I'm sorry!" he suddenly apologized. You blinked, not expecting that. He rose his head again, looking you in the eye, and biting his lip, "...I won't make any excuses. I'm a pervert dude. I peep on girls and I'll take a quick grope here or there without permission.....but I don't force myself on girls."

"Your plans last week tell me differently you horny mutt." you scowled, crossing your arms.

"It's true!" he protested, raising his hands, palms facing you, "I'm not that kind of guy, I promise. Even with my instincts all riled up during the full moon I can usually contain myself....but when I saw Moka, I just couldn't keep control of myself, I don't know why, and I've calmed down and got control, even took an eye at her from afar to confirm it, but just that first time my instincts went completely out of control, and I'm sorry!"

Same old song and dance. What was it about Moka that made everyone but you go absolutely mental about her? "And?" you snorted, "Fat load of good that does right? You tried to kill me so you could rape my girlfriend."

Gin winced and his...friend? You were going to go with friend nodded his head sagely, "The kid has a point, not a good look for you," he shook his head, "San would be so disappointed in you."

Gin went wide eyed, choking at his friends words, clutching at his chest as if an arrow had just been shot through his chest.

The brown haired guy turned to you and grinned at you, "So, I'll vouch for this guy. He's a pervy bastard, but he ain't a pathetic little rapist," he told you, "Whatever happened with your girl, he's over it now, and it won't happen again. So what'ya say, will you bury the hatchet with him and stay as members as the newspaper club?"

How annoying. It pissed you off honestly. Especially because, you could at least see where he was coming from a bit. Moka caused people to act fuckin weird around her. You at first thought it was the innate charm she had as a vampire, but even that didn't explain just how absurd the attention she got was.

What happened still wasn't okay though, no matter the excuse. Even if there was a specific reason behind it. Anyone who tried to take the people you cared about from you, was an enemy you wouldn't hesitate to kill.

The only reason Gin was even alive right now, was because Moka pleaded for it. Otherwise you would have crushed his skull beneath your feet and not lost a wink of sleep over it.

You grit your teeth, running one hand back through your hair, in the end, the smiling pink haired girl that flashed across your vision and her teary eyes was the only reason why; "...It better not happen again, I mean it," you bit out through gritted teeth, "The only reason you're not dead right now is because Moka doesn't like the thought of people dying over her. But if you pull this shit again, I'll make good on my threat."

He sighed in relief, before what you said caught up with him. His face went pale white and his eyes wide.

"Looks like he was reasonable after all, huh?" the guy happily smacked Gin on the shoulder with a laugh, before flashing you a grin and a thumbs up, "Nice to meet'cha, Kai was it? The names Haji, Haji Miyamoto, I'm the captain of the Karate Club."

At least you had a name to go with his face now, "You too I guess," you rolled your eyes, before turning around and grabbing your box of tools and hoisting it up, "Now, I've got shit to do, so I suppose I'll see you later when club activities start back up again."

"...Yeah, see ya later." Gin replied dazedly, while Haji waved you off with a big hearty arm in the air.

As you made your way up stairs, a thought occurred to you.

If nothing else, with the newspaper club, you could get a column of your own and use it to bitch out the pathetic losers of this school. Honestly, maybe some advice from you would be enough to let some of these loser graduate from soy boy status.

Unlikely, but a guy could dream right?

Haji Miyamoto

Youki: A++

Strength: S-

Durability: S-

Speed: A++

Haji Miyamoto (Tengu)

Youki: A++

Strength: S

Durability: S

Speed: S-

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