

JUST as they agreed, Ara had dinner at Daniel's house that night before Danica left for America. And just like the first time that she ate with the sibling the young lady had a great time. She only noticed one thing, the sadness in Daniel's eyes is obvious and that is for sure because his sister will be leaving soon.

"I hope as you promised me before, you will always accompany Daniel," Danica said when they were together in the entertainment room their house and watching TV.

A beautiful smile broke at Ara's lips. "Of course, I promise you that no matter what happens I will never leave his side," that was true inside her.

She really had no plan of leaving Daniel. And she is sure that even though times may come that the young pushes her away, for example, she will for sure follow him, because of the intense love that she feels for him.

Danica smiled.

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