
Reminiscing The Memories From The Last Time

When Esther woke up the next day, it was pretty early in the morning, with the sun yet to rise from the horizon. She realized that she was still wearing her gown from last night's banquet and moved to clean herself. Afterwards, she turned to check the dresser to look for her uniform, ready to start the day as the Queen's servant once more. However, to her confusion, there were only her normal dresses neatly folded inside.

'Where are my work clothes?'

She rang the bell on the bedside table and a servant entered her room. "Good Morning, Baroness."

"Good morning," she replied. "It seems like my work clothes are missing."

"Lady Tyra asked me to pass the message that now the Baroness—"

"You can just call me by my name," she interrupted. 

The servant smiled but shook her head. "How dare a commoner like me address you by anything aside from your title, my lady? Lady Tyra would be furious."

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