

"It's okay, there is nothing to lose for you, Abi. Come on to bed, you should get some rest." invite Linda to lead Abimanyu up to the bed.

Abimanyu slept on the bed looking up at the room sky, Linda was beside him with her head resting on his chest.

"Thank goodness I can avoid making love with Linda, and Linda's anger is gone." said Abimanyu to himself.

"Abi, you didn't sleep? it's already twelve in the evening. Go to sleep, you won't get better." said Linda attentively.

Abimanyu closed his eyes, trying to sleep. But his mind remembered someone who had taken care of him this afternoon. "Kasih"

"Why when thinking about Kasih, my heart always beats so hard? Is there an abnormality in my heart?" Abimanyu said to himself, carving out his memory as he led Kasih home. How soft Kasih's fingers were when they rested on his waist. It felt like rain water that wet it became warmth in every flow of blood.

"Is Kasih asleep tonight? does he remember me?" Asked Abimanyu with a thousand missing questions arising in Abimanyu's mind.

Until early morning, Abimanyu was unable to close his eyes. Feelings of longing occupied Abimanyu's heart all night.

Linda is still fast asleep beside Abimanyu.

With tired eyes and black bags under his eyes, Abimanyu got up from his sleep and immediately went to the bathroom to clean himself.

Without making a sound, Abimanyu was well dressed, even though his face still looked pale.

Linda woke up and looked at Abimanyu who was already dressed neatly, his wet hair added to the good looks and sexiness of an Abimanyu.

"You're not going, are you, Bi?" Linda asked as she got out of bed and hugged Abimanyu's waist tenderly.

"I have to go Linda. I have to work." said Abimanyu, always annoyed when Linda started flirting like a cheap woman.

"Abi, why don't you just work at my place. I'll give you a great position. How?" Linda said to persuade Abi, her desire to have Abimanyu was so great.

"I don't want Linda's bondage job, I like independent work." Said Abimanyu

"You don't need to be tied down, you can come in anytime." Linda is still trying to persuade Abimanyu.

"Sorry Linda, I'm still not interested." replied Abimanyu, getting a little annoyed.

"All right, don't frown like that. Oh yes, this is the money I promised you." said Linda as she took the money from her bag with a small brown envelope.

"This is your tired money, you have to promise yes Bi? Don't go near other women besides each other." said Linda with a serious face.

Abimanyu, without refusing, directly accepted the money that Linda had given him.

"I'll go home first, Linda." said Abimanyu, immediately leaving with a happy heart, because there was an envelope of money in hand.

On the road that was still quiet, Abimanyu started his motorbike at a slow speed. While singing and whistling that is what is done on the way.

At first glance, Abimanyu remembered Kasih. All night Abimanyu couldn't sleep just thinking about Kasih.

Without realizing it, Abimanyu's motorbike drove to Kasih's place, who practiced at her own house, not at her brother's.

Abimanyu stopped his motorbike on the side of the road right in front of Kasih's practice.

From where he stopped Abimanyu could see that the door where Kasih's practice was opened was wide, there were several people lining up on the chairs lining the terrace.

Without getting bored, Abimanyu was still sitting on his motorbike, focused on looking at the open door, hoping Kasih would come out of the door.

Nearly two hours Abimanyu waited for his luck, and finally the good fortune on Abimanyu's side.

A cute face of Kasih appeared from the door and chatted with several patients. Kasih's smile and laugh that looked beautiful between Kasih's beautiful lips.

Abimanyu's heart rippled. Really never expected Abimanyu who for years used to live alone without love and love, now feel something beautiful. A feeling that Abimanyu had never felt.

"Abi? why are you here?" admonished Kasih suddenly was in front of him. Abhimanyu gasped, his heart ashamed to be caught.

"Ehh ... that, I want a health check." replied Abimanyu nervously.

"Why didn't you come in? go in and take the queue number." said Kasih, who happened to be driving an old patient to find a taxi.

With a red face in shame, Abimanyu put his motorbike into the parking lot of Kasih's house.

"This is Bi, take the queue number at Ani. Later you can check your health when you are called." Kasih explained then went back into her room to examine other patients.

The last turn came, Abimanyu entered Kasih's room. Wearing her oversized doctor's clothes, Kasih looks very elegant and beautiful. But still not removing her simple face and appearance.

"Abi, now what is your complaint?" Kasih asked, looking nervous at Abimanyu.

"Um ... my chest is pounding sometimes, my heart is beating fast. And it must have happened when I got close to her. Is my heart troubled?" asked Abimanyu with a serious look.

Kasih can only stare at Abimanyu in surprise.

"You're not kidding, right Abi?" asked Kasih, because this was the first time that there was a patient complaint that was out of the ordinary.

"I'm not kidding, if doctors don't believe you can check me out now. Looks like now my illness has relapsed again, even now I'm breaking out in a cold sweat. What should I do doc?" asked Abimanyu a little panicked.

Kasih stood up to Abimanyu while holding Abimanyu's shoulder.

"What should you do? try to calm down, take a deep breath." said Kasih looking at Abhimanyu anxiously.

"Doc, my chest feels even more tight ... my heartbeat can't stop doctor. See a doctor." said Abimanyu seriously.

Kasih sighed, massaging her temples which became dizzy just because of Abimanyu.

"Look Abi ... if you want to recover from your illness, try to get out first in fifteen minutes, then you will come back here again." said Kasih, who already understood the main problem.

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