
Worst luck

Evie groaned once more as she opened her eyes and they were blinded by the light as her eye changed colour from red to blue.

"You are finally awake" said Maddie as she was sitting beside Evie.

"*Ugh* what happened?" asked Evie as she sat up and she looked at Maddie.

"Well you were freaking out, so Aunt Luc put you to sleep, so you can calm down" said Maddie as she poured Evie a glass of water and she took it from her and drank the water, she just felt so thirsty right now.

"Of course I freak out, why won't I freak out??" asked Evie as she took the glass jug of water and she drank the whole thing in one go.

"Evie, relax, you are getting worked up again, and also you are drinking too much water" said Maddie.

"I don't know I… I'm so thirsty" said Evie as her eyes were changing colour, alternating between red and blue as Maddie waved her hand in front of Evie's eyes.

"What?" asked Evie.

"Your eyes are changing colour" said Maddie.

"To what?" asked Evie.

"From blue to red" said Maddie as Evie started to itch.

"I am getting out of here, this is annoying, and I am so hungry and thirsty, Where's my mom?" asked Evie as she attempted to get up but Maddie stopped her.

"Not a chance Evie, stay right where you are" said Maddie.

"But I want to leave!!" said Evie as her voice started to echo, her eyes turned red and fangs came out of her lips.

"Oh please Evie, you are not going anywhere with me here, and also, stop looking like that, I will have you know that if you try to suck my blood you will die, witches brew, and believe me, I will defend myself" said Maddie as Evie scoffed and she calmed down.

"Good girl" said Maddie with a smile.

"Now my dear Evie, you aren't hungry for food, I mean not real food, you will keep on freaking out if you don't drink blood" said Maddie.

"I won't drink blood!" said Evie as Annie walked into the room.

"Oh Evie, you're awake, here your mom said that you should have some yoghurt" said Annie as she handed Evie some yoghurt.

"Thanks Annie, at least someone is being helpful" said Evie as Maddie just smiled sweetly at her.

"Oh sweetie I'm not nice like Annie, and you know that" said Maddie as Evie frowned at her.

"You changed" said Evie as she saw that Annie was in grey sweatpants and her hair was tied messily in a bun.

"Yes, I did" said Annie.

"Why didn't you change?" asked Evie as she looked at Maddie.

"Well apart from me not wanting to take off this beautiful dress because I know I won't have an occasion to wear it again" said Maddie as Evie rolled her eyes and she ate her yoghurt.

"I also offered to stay here with you, but regardless, I should change, this dress is getting uncomfortable" said Maddie as she walked into the bathroom and she walked out in comfortable jeans and a top as Matt and Ollie walked into the room.

"Matt, where's mom and dad?" asked Evie.

"Well they are with Grandfather, how do you feel Evie?" asked Matt.

"Hungry" said Evie as she replied.

"And don't you dare say I'm hungry for blood" said Evie.

"But if you don't drink it, you won't feel better" said Matt.

"You are unfair Matt, there is no way that I am drinking blood, it's blood, it's disgusting, it's vile, I'm not a blood sucker, it's not natural, would you drink blood Matt?? No I doubt you would, so don't you dare me to drink it, how can I drink human blood?" asked Evie in anger.

"It's not human blood Evie, it's animal blood" said Matt.

"Even worse, a poor animal killed just for its blood, I'm, not drinking it, I would rather die" said Evie as Matt sighed.

"Oh I have the worst luck, I get stuck with being a boring vampire, nothing special about that" said Evie with a scoff.

"Well I mean, vampires are rarely blonde, so you are special in that sense" said Ollie as Evie looked at him.

"Oh shut up" said Evie.

"Thanks for the facts wise guy" said Maddie in sarcasm as Ollie laughed sheepishly, he did admit that he shouldn't have said that.

"*Sigh*, I just wanted to be a normal human girl" said Evie as both Annie and Maddie looked at her with weird expressions.

"Okay fine, a normal, half witch, half vampire, future crown princess of the vampire realm, kind of girl" said Evie as Maddie laughed, and she thought that she was a diva.

"Evie, you need to be serious right now" said Matt.

"Matt save it, I don't need a lecture right now, you don't know what I'm passing through right now, it's a battle between my beliefs and morals right now" said Evie as Matt kept quiet, he knew that she was right, he did not know what she was passing through right now.

"Fine" said Matt.

"You know what, if we are speaking honestly, it's actually the best case scenario that you are a vampire" said Ollie as everyone looked at him and Maddie wondered just what this guy was doing here in the first place.

"I mean quite frankly, no matter how much the vampires respect his Majesty, if he gave the Kingdom to a Witch, there would surely be a division among the kingdom, and cause a war, and all that, so his Majesty is probably very happy that you are one of your kind, just to avoid any future problems" said Ollie.

"Look Prince Oliver, I get that you are trying to be nice and make me look at the bright side of this horrible place, but no, it's just one bad thing after the other, I don't see the good side here, I don't want to drink blood, I don't want to, it goes against everything I know, it's horrible" said Evie as she sighed.

"So please don't insist anymore, because I don't want to have to drink blood, I won't, even if it means I will be bedridden for the rest of my life" said Evie with a sigh as Annie, Maddie and the rest felt so bad for her right now.

"Wait, why exactly do vampires drink blood?" asked Annie as everyone looked at her.

"For energy, for strength, it gives them the drive that they need to move, basically, and if they don't have it, they end up going overboard, or on a killing spree" said Ollie.

"So if in a way vampires were able to get all the energy and nutrients that they needed without having to drink blood, would that be possible?" asked Annie.

"Well yes, I guess that could work in theory, they just need it as a refreshment like food" said Ollie.

"Evie, would you drink blood, if it wasn't blood?" asked Annie as she looked at Evie.

"Huh?? Elaborate please Annie" said Evie as Maddie and Matt nodded.

"I mean, what if there was some way for you to get all the nutrients that you need from blood, without necessarily having to drink blood?" asked Annie.

"Well then I would take it, as long as I don't have to drink blood" said Evie.

"I see" said Annie.

"Annie, where are you going with this?" asked Maddie as she looked at Annie who was lost in her thoughts.

"Curtis" called Annie out loud.

"What is it Annie?" came Curtis's reply.

"Curtis, is there a creation spell?" asked Annie.

"Several, depends on what you want to create" said Curtis.

"Wait, when I see you, I will show you some of the different creation spells" said Curtis.

"Alright, but can they create anything?" asked Annie.

"Anything" said Curtis.

"Alright, thanks Curtis, see you later" said Annie.

"Annie what are you up to?' asked Maddie as she looked at Maddie.

"Maddie, what makes blood red?" asked Annie as Maddie looked at her in confusion.

"What??" asked Maddie.

"What makes blood red?? Think from biology class" said Annie.

"Well firstly, I never liked biology, and secondly, I've not been to school in so long, so don't quiz me"

said Maddie.

"Haemoglobin makes blood red, or at least human blood" said Matt.

"Yes, exactly" said Annie.

"Evie, is the colour red part of why you don't want to drink blood?" asked Annie as she looked at Evie.

"Yes a major reason" said Evie.

"Slow down Annie, where are you going with this?" asked Maddie.

"You want to make blood" said Ollie while thinking.

"Exactly!" said Annie.

"Wait, hold up, are you allowed to do that?? I mean actually allowed??" asked Maddie in total surprise.

"Well I don't know" said Annie.

"Matt" called Maddie.

"I mean I don't know either, but is it possible?" asked Matt.

"Well I don't see why not" said Ollie.

"Oh yes, yes, yes, make fake blood" said Evie as they all looked at her.

Hahaha thank you to xiao_woniu for the power stone, and happy Father's day everyone!!

Dan_does_it_allcreators' thoughts
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