
Foreign symbols

Two months later.

"You know, I hate it when it rains, I have bad memories of the rain" said Maddie as she sighed.

"Don't we all" said Annie as she sighed and she looked out the window the rain was pouring, so much so that they had been unable to go outside at all.

"But I find it strange that it's suddenly starting to rain since it hasn't rained in such a long time" said Ollie.

"Well the weather here is weird, one moment it's very sunny, the next it rains for three days straight" said Matt.

"I mean, that is true, but I don't think it's that simple, I feel like this time the rain is different" said Ollie.

"You are reading into this too much, it's just rain blondie" said Maddie as she groaned and Ollie looked at her.

"Anyway, this is horrible, so horrible, we were just started to get good, I mean I was getting very good at using a sword, and now this rain comes along to disrupt all my plans" said Maddie with a groan as Annie and the others laughed.

"That's all you care about Maddie, swords" said Matt as he laughed.

"And also being mean and uncaring" added Ollie as he smiled.

"Firstly watch it blondie, you are in place to talk to me like that, and secondly, what else is there to care about?" asked Maddie as she laughed and Annie shook her head, Maddie was just too much sometimes.

"Anyway, I guess that we are going to be stuck inside for a while, the rain doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon" said Annie as she looked at them and they all agreed.

"Oh Annie how is learning cleansing with Griselda going?" asked Maddie as she smiled, she was curious, they couldn't talk about it yesterday since Katarina was there with them.

"Well good… but I have to say that I find a lot of things weird, I don't get them" said Annie.

"What's weird?" asked Maddie.

"Well firstly, Griselda said that I had to learn how to right a few foreign symbols that I don't even know what they mean.

"Foreign symbols like how?" asked Maddie.

"Wait, let me show you, I have been practicing them in this notebook that Griselda gave me" said Annie as she walked out of the room and she walked back in with a little blue notebook as she opened it up and she showed it to Maddie as she flipped the pages that were filled with her many attempts of trying to draw the symbols correctly.

"Those do look strange" said Matt.

"I know right?" asked Annie as she nodded and she looked at him and Maddie kept on looking at the symbols.

"Wait aren't these symbols from the old tongue?" asked Maddie in hesitation.

"Wait, you are right" said Ollie as he walked to look at the symbols.

"Those are symbols from the old tongue" said Ollie as he was sure of that, of course he was sure, he knew it when he saw it, he had been forced to learn the old tongue since he was a little boy.

"I knew it" said Maddie.

"Wait, how did you know that they are symbols from the old tongue?" asked Ollie as he looked at Maddie in surprise, she was very right.

"You don't know everything that I do Blondie, besides, in my free time I study the book that Professor Sapiens gave Matt about the old tongue, I happened to have duplicated the book" said Maddie as she smiled.

"And I remember seeing a symbol, or rather symbols like this in there, but I couldn't quite make out their meanings" said Maddie.

"I didn't know that you actually paid attention to things" said Ollie as he smiled.

"I don't know what that's supposed to mean blondie, but I will let it slide this time" said Maddie.

"Wait, I don't get it, if that's the old tongue, then how come I couldn't recognize it? Because last time I checked, I somehow knew how to read it" said Annie.

"You might be able to read the words, but you don't recognize the symbols" said Ollie.

"I can recognize them because I studied them over and over again, that's what makes the old tongue such a difficult language to learn, it's a mix of words, symbols, weird shapes, it takes someone really determined to learn how to read every single thing about it" said Ollie.

"Alright, I see that, but then, what do these symbols mean?" asked Annie.

"if you ask me, it looks like some sort of Japanese" said Matt.

"I was just about to say that, it looks like Japanese, but weirder, and trust me, I know, I had to learn it once, it was the worst time of my life" said Maddie as she laughed.

"This symbol right here, it means fire" said Ollie as he pointed to the first symbol.

"This one means ice" said Ollie.

"And this one means… growth" said Ollie as he and Maddie said the same word at the same time and they both look at each other.

"Alright, now that's cleared up I know that I am actually learning how to draw things that make sense, but I don't get why I have to know every single one of them, Griselda insists on it" said Annie.

"Well from what I know, this is the quickest way to cleanse, by using these symbols, but then again I do not know everything" said Ollie.

"What did Curtis say about this? Did you show him this?" asked Maddie as Annie looked at her.

"I did, and he didn't say much, but I am sure that he knows something, he just doesn't want to tell me anything like usual" said Annie as she sighed.

"Well I am sure that this is part of the cleansing process somehow, just in which way I am not sure" said Ollie.

"Wait, aren't you not allowed to cleanse?" asked Maddie.

"I am, but no one ever said anything about me not being allowed to learn some things about it, I just am not allowed to do the act" said Ollie.

"What a bummer, so many rules" said Maddie as she scoffed, now that she thought about it, being royalty was not that nice, there were so many rules that you needed to abide by and follow, she hated that kind of thing, so many rules.

"There are not actually so many rules as you think" said Ollie as Maddie scoffed.

"Without rules there would be no order" said Ollie.

"Of course you think that blondie" said Maddie as she scoffed.

"Stop it you guys, it's not the time for that" said Matt as both Ollie and Maddie kept quiet.

"What's going on here?" asked Curtis as he walked into the room.

"Oh Curtis, we are just talking about the old tongue" said Annie as she smiled.

"What do you know about the old tongue Curtis?" asked Maddie as Curtis looked at her.

"Not much, not as much as experts would know" said Curtis.

"But you still know something right?" asked Maddie.

"To some extent yes" said Curtis.

"Can you read in the old tongue?" asked Matt.

"Not fluently" said Curtis.

"But aren't you like a book? You should know very well about things that have to do with this" said Maddie.

"I am not all knowing or all seeing" replied Curtis.

"It would be nice if you could be" said Maddie as she smiled and Curtis said nothing to her at all as they all heard the door in the kitchen open and close.

"That has to be Katarina" said Ollie.

"Thanks genius for the obvious information, because no one else owns this house" said Maddie as she smiled at Ollie and he just smiled back at her.

"The rain is heavy" said Katarina as she walked into the room that they were all in.

"Great, you are all here, I have some good news to tell you" said Katarina.

"Is the news that the rain will stop soon?" asked Maddie.

"Well no, but it does have something to do with the rain" said Katarina.

"It's raining like this because the weather at the top of Caligo is unstable, and that in turn is causing this imbalance down here with the rain" said Katarina.

"Nice to know" said Maddie.

"Anyway, what I actually mean to say is that the storm on the top of Caligo has stopped, which means that…" said Katarina as she was cut off.

"We can finally go there" said Annie, Maddie, Matt, Ollie and Curtis in a chorus.

"Exactly" said Katarina as she knew that they would be happy to hear the good news.

"I thought you would all be happier than this?" asked Katarina as in the same moment the thunder struck as Maddie flinched.

"It's not that we are not happy Katarina" said Matt.

"Yes, we are just surprised" replied Annie as she looked at Katarina.

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