

"Hi Annie, Hi Maddie" said Matt as he finally made an entrance after his whereabouts had been unknown the whole morning.

"Oh Hi Matt" said Annie

"Matt where have you been??" asked Maddie

"Umm I went for a early morning run?" said Matt as he was wondering why Maddie was questioning him.

"I was so worried" said Maddie

"How come?" asked Matt as he sat down.

"Haha Matt don't mind her, she's just being paranoid" said Annie as she laughed.

"Well excuse me if I care about you two" said Maddie as she looked away.

"Maybe I should just stop caring" she said.

"No no Maddie, I was just joking, we both like you wayy better like this right Matt?" asked Annie as she looked at Matt.

"Right" said Matt

"You are better now, and you do not need to change that" said Matt

"Awww you guys" said Maddie

"Haha okay, Maddie Wolf will remain nice" said Maddie as she smiled.

"Like you have a choice" said Annie

"Haha what is that supposed to mean?" asked Maddie

"Hahah Nothing nothing" said Annie as she laughed.

"Okay??" said Maddie as she was suspicious of Annie.

"Good Morning Girls" said Mrs. Grey as she entered the canteen and caught sight Annie and Maddie sitting down on one of the tables.

"Oh Good Morning Mom" said Annie as she smiled.

"Good Morning" said Maddie as she smiled too.

"How are you girls?" asked Lisa as she pulled a chair and sat down.

"I am good mom and how are you?" asked Annie

"I am good Aunty, and how are you?" asked Maddie

"I am good, thank you for asking" she said as she smiled.

"Oh Hello Matt, how are you?" asked Lisa as she finally noticed Matt who was quiet.

"I am good Aunty, thank you" said Matt as he smiled.

"That's nice" said Lisa as she smiled back at him.

"So what are you all doing?" she asked.

"Nothing much mom, we were just talking" said Annie

"Haha okay then, so have you all eaten yet?" asked Lisa as she was checking up on them.

"Well me and Maddie have" replied Annie

"And what about you Matt?" asked Lisa

"No I haven't eaten yet, I am not hungry" he said.

"Oh but you have to eat, it's not good to eat late" said Lisa

"Don't worry Aunty, I will eat" said Matt as he smiled.

He knew that Lisa was just being thoughtful and looking after him because the rest of his family were not here, and so she took it upon herself to treat him like she would treat her own child.

"Good" said Lisa as she smiled back.

"Hey Mom, where is Dad?" asked Annie

"Ahhh well I left him back in the room, but he should be here soon" said Lisa

"Oh okay" said Annie

"Well Speak of the father" said Maddie as she laughed, when she saw John walking in.

"Haha Maddie" said Annie as she laughed.

"Hi Dad" said Annie

"Hello Annie" said John.

"We were just talking about you" said Annie

"Oh really?? good things I hope" said John as he sat down next to Lisa.

"Haha Uncle Annie was just asking where you were, and then poof you appear" said Maddie as she laughed.

"Well that is my special super power" said John as he gloated.

"Oh really since when??because I do not remember marrying a man with super powers" said Lisa

"Well since now" said John

"Wow okay" said Lisa as John laughed.

"Matthew" said John as his laughing ceased when he caught sight of Matt sitting, why did this boy have to be everywhere?? he asked himself.

"Mr. Grey" said Matt as his mood turned sour, knowing full well that he was no longer going to enjoy the conversation with him here.

Deep down Matt was enjoying the time when Mr. Grey was not here, looking like he had a bounty on his head for him.

He just could not understand why?? why Mr. Grey just had it out for him, it was getting annoying at this point, and he was sure that this man would not stop this very weird war between them.

"Ooookay" said Annie as she realized something was off between the two men she had in her life.

"Wow Problems with the in laws" said Maddie to herself as she laughed, she was lucky Annie could not hear her, or she would have got a punch in her side.

"Stop it John" said Lisa as she whispered and hit John in his side, as he was staring at Matt like he had laser eyes or something.

"What??" asked John as he looked at her, and Lisa gave him a warning look.

"What a coincidence everyone is already here" came Stella's voice as she entered the canteen

"Good Morning Everyone" she said as she smiled.

"Good Morning Aunt Stella" said Annie, Maddie and Matt.

"Good Morning Stella" said Lisa and John.

"It seems that today is a very nice morning" said Stella

"Haha yes it is" said Annie as she smiled.

"That is nice my dear" said Stella

"Everyone there is someone I want you to meet" said Stella

"Everyone this is Armand Vindicta" said Stella as Armand walked to meet them.

"He is a very trusted member and if any of you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask him" said Stella

"Okay Aunt Stella" said Annie

"Hello everyone it is an honour to meet you all" said Armand, but it did not sound like he said that genuinely, but rather just out of courtesy.

"It's nice to meet you too" said Mr. Grey as he spoke for everyone.

"Well everyone, once again it was nice to meet you all, but I have some matters to attend to, if you would excuse me" said Armand.

"You can go Armand" said Stella

"Thank you My Chancellor" said Armand as he turned to leave.

Meanwhile in the camp.

"Mira, have you seen Captain Armand?" asked a female witch who was also wearing a black cloak.

"Ahh yes, I believe that he's with the Chancellor" replied Mira

"Is that so? well alright then" she replied.

"Things have been awfully quiet haven't they?" she said

"Yes they have, and I prefer them like this, things are way safer" said Mira

"That is true, but we do need a little...action" said the woman.

"Liz you better be careful for what you wish for, who knows you might just get it" said Mira.

"Well no worries then, because I will appreciate what I get" said the woman named Liz

"Whatever you say Liz" said Mira

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