
We'll think about it.

Everyone had finished eating and Lucas was back and Evie helped Lucinda clear the dining table and Annie joined in too and so did Mrs. Grey, while the men were talking and the younger siblings were watching the Tv.

"Oh let me help you with that" said Mrs. Grey as she offered to help Lucinda wash the dishes.

"Oh no no you are our guest and there is no need for you to help" said

"Yes Mom Aunt Lucinda is right and besides she doesn't need help she can just use magic!!" said Annie as she tried to explain to her mother.

Lucinda Chuckled and Mrs. Grey replied with a "Okay"

"Oooh Mom do you want to see a spell??" asked Annie

"Sure!" said Mrs. Grey

"Aunt Luc please show her the dishes wash yourself spell please" said Annie as she begged

Lucinda chuckled and said "If you really want to show your mom that bad then why don't you do it?"

"Really can i??" asked Annie

"Do you still remember the spell??" asked Lucinda and Annie nodded "Then you can do it" said Lucinda

Annie looked at Lucinda with stars in her eyes.

"Thank you Aunt Luc!!" she said

"acetabula lavabit vos" said Annie as she looked at the dishes and just like magic (whish it was) the sponge came to life once again and so did the dishes and the soap they all did a little dance while getting clean in the process.

Mrs. Grey was mesmerized by the beautiful, cute and little sight that she had just witnessed "See mom isn't is beautiful?" asked Annie

"Yes it is Annie it's very beautiful" she replied and the display of magic ended and the sink was clean and free of dishes.

"Yayyyy!!" said Annie as she rejoiced "Thank you Aunt Lucinda for teaching me the spell i really appreciated it" said Annie as she was sincerely grateful

"Ooh no need to Thank me dear you are welcome" she said as she hugged her.

After the ladies were done in the Kitchen they all entered the Living room and found the men chatting there and the children watching the Tv and Curtis was just sitting in the corner very quietly.

"Okay now Children time to go to bed" said Lucinda and all the younger children including Evie grunted "No complaining go upstairs now there is school tomorrow" she said

And the children started walking upstairs to their rooms one by one. "Remember to brush your teeth" said Lucinda as she reminded them.

"Mom can i say a little longer please??" pleaded Evie with puppy dog eyes.

"Sorry Evie but we adults are going to have a talk and you have school tomorrow" said Lucinda

"But Mom how come Matt get's to stay up??" she asked in a "this is not fair" tone

"Well honey you know how you get in the morning if you don't get enough sleep and remind me again how old Matt is??" asked Lucinda and Evie grunted "Not fair"

"You can stay up all you want when you're a teenager but for now you are still a child so go to sleep" said Lucinda

"Evie dear Listen to your mother and go to bed okay my princess?" said Lucas as he stood up from the sofa and gave her a kiss on her forehead, she seemed to budge and went upstairs.

"Goodnight Evie" said Annie as she saw Evie as angry, Evie seemed to calm down when she heard Annie's voice and she smiled and said "Goodnight" and with that she went into her room.

"Kids am i right??" said Lucas as he joked

"Yes i know they are especially even more naughty when they are crossing the teenage age" said Mrs. Grey as she laughed.

"Heyy Mom i wasn't naughty when i was crossing their age" said Annie as she pretended to be offended

"Yes me too" said Matt as he joined in

"Haha well i know for sure that when me and your father told you to go upstairs and go to bed since because we were watching a horror movie but what did you do??" said Mrs. Grey

"Haha i behaved and listened like the good little girl i am" said Annie as she chuckled shyly

"No that's not what i remember" said Mr. Grey as he chipped in "Well what i remember is that a certain stubborn little girl still suck downstairs when she wasn't supposed too and she got scared that she turned white as a sheet of paper and cried." said Mr. Grey

And Annie felt like she wanted the ground to open and swallow her up.

"Haha yes remember that she didn't sleep in her room for a week because she was so scared" said Mrs. Grey as she burst into Laughter and so did everyone else

"Haha let's not talk about our so called grown up boy here" said Lucinda as she chimed in

"Oh no here we go it's my turn now" said Matt as he face-palmed himself and that made Annie stop feeling embarrassed as it was someone else's turn to be.

"I remember when Matt was Evie's age he just wanted to explore everything like it was a whole new world and so we were still back in our old town before we moved here, so me and Luke were having a movie date night and i won in rock paper scissors and so i chose a Romantic movie.

Matt was supposed to got to bed like a good little boy but instead he said that he wanted watch the movie with us and i asked him is he was really sure that he wanted to and he said he was very sure so i said okay, let's say like 5 minutes into the movie some characters kissed and Matt shouted and started averting his eyes like it was the plague and he started saying "make it stop make it stop it's disgusting.

"Haha he was so cute and me and Lucas didn't help either we teased him saying that we were going to kiss in front of him and he ran straight upstairs to his room, he was so cute" said Lucinda

And now it was Annie's turn to laugh and she laughed so hard and so did the others.

"I wonder if he's still so cute and innocent" said Lucinda as she teased Matt

"Mom" said Matt

"Okay okay" said Lucinda as she was still laughing

"Now are you all done laughing?" asked Curtis as he finally spoke

"Yes" said Annie

"Good we have some important Matters to talk about" said Curtis

Meanwhile Back in the Wolf Mansion

Maddie was prancing around in her room looking at her grandfather clock ,she was already wearing her green Witch hat and robe, she looked nervous and very jittery, she pranced around up and down and immediately stopped when she heard the clock make a sound as it struck 8pm.

"Here goes Nothing" said Maddie as she tried to calm herself down.

Maddie walked down the stairs and opened the front door outside was very dark and chilly outside, Maddie went to the back of the house and there it was, there were two double doors and they led underground she opened the door and by the side there were lanterns hanging and she took one and walked down the dark stairs, she heard dripping of water.

Inside was very dark and eerie, after walking for some time she saw an open room and she entered it, there was a table, she did not sense any other person in the dungeon.

Then suddenly she saw strange red eyes following her, Maddie thought, but suddenly she felt someone grab her from behind which scared her she immediately elbowed the person as hard as she could, but the person did not seem to budge which scared Maddie.

"Stay still princess this time there is no escaping what are you doing here?" asked a male voice that belonged to the person that was holding her.

Maddie didn't listen, she tried to wriggle around but it didn't work and worst of all she was in the dark and could not see anything which contributed more to her fear, then suddenly she heard a sound, it sounded like stone walls moving and opening up a secret entrance, Maddie was panicking as she heard footsteps.

The footsteps kept on coming closer and closer until it reached the room and the person clapped their hands and light immediately entered the room that Maddie was in, then she saw it was her father, his dark blue eyes glimmered as usual.

"Let her go Liam" said Azazel in his usual cold tone, and the guy did so and bowed down and said "Long Live Azazel"

"You may rise" said Azazel and he did

"Good Evening Father" said Maddie as she bowed and quickly found her composure.

"Mhmm Good Evening Maddison you may rise" he said and she did

It was then Maddie looked around the room, she noticed that there were Cobblestone walls that looked really old and the secret entrance her Father entered from was closed, the room was illuminated by an unknown light source, her eyes finally fell on the guy that was behind her and she was shocked.

The Guy had pure red eyes and red hair. she also saw that he had fangs and she recognized this guy from the day she, Annie and Matt got ambushed it was the same guy that seemed to be the leader of those rouge men, but what was he doing here and why??

Azazel seemed to catch the shock in Maddie's eyes so he said with a evil laugh "Maddison take as seat this is Liam he's part of my army"

"What what?? what does he mean army since when and this guy is not human" said Maddie to herself, and she also noticed 4 more men behind her Father that looked more or less the same to Liam they all had red eyes.

Maddie was shocked and didn't take a seat "Hello Princess my name is Liam it is an honor to serve you" said Liam with a wicked smile.

"Hmm Thank you" said Maddie as she concealed her fear.

"Father shall i speak with you privately?" asked Maddie as she turned to look at her father.

"No Maddison these are my men and whatever you want to say must be said in front of them" replied Azazel as he took a seat on a small couch and poured himself some tea.

"Understood Father" said Maddie

"Umm Father these men, i mean your men they don't seem human" said Maddie as she maintained eye contact with Azazel.

"Hmm Good Observation Maddison yes you are right and that's because they are Vampires" said Azazel calmly as he sipped his tea.

"What?? Vampires but what are they doing here then?" asked Maddie in her mind.

"Umm Father are you aware that these same men are the people that attacked me and Annie on the say to your meeting" said Maddie as she tried to hide Curtis and Matt.

"Of course i know, because i sent them there" said Azazel with a creepy laugh.

Meanwhile in the Sundew House

Curtis had just finished explaining the situation on ground to Luke and Lucinda as they all sat in the living room drinking tea.

"So what do you think Lucinda?" asked Curtis as he sipped his tea

"Well i don't know we'll think about it me and Lucas will discuss it and get back to you" said Lucinda as she was rather calm about the whole thing.

"Okay i will give you some time but we don't have much of it because not only Annie is involved but Matt too, he is very beneficial to Azazel since he's a half blood and he is in great danger" said Curtis

"Yes i know Curtis but we all can't just leave and hide for who knows how long we need a plan" said Lucinda

"Yes we do but i have one already" said Curtis

"So that's why more rouges have been escaping from the Vampire realm they are all joining Azazel's army" said Lucas as he thought about it

"Yes and knowing Azazel his plan is not good" said Curtis

"Okay we still have a week to decide so there is no rushing" said Mr. Grey

"Yes i agree John is right" said Lucas

"Okay fine" said Curtis "Joh is right you have a week to decide" he said

All the while Annie and Matt were just very quiet in the discussion and just drank their tea.

"In the Meanwhile both Annie and Matt need a protection spell" said Curtis

"Okay i agree let me cast it on them" said Lucinda

"No wait Lucinda i want Annie to grow in her spell casting so let her cast it on herself and Matt" said Curtis

"Yes you are right i agree" said Lucinda

"Can you please hand me a piece of paper and a pen?" asked Curtis

"Sure!" said Lucinda as she stood up and grabbed a pen and paper from the counter and handed it to Curtis.

"Thank you!" he said and he started writing on the paper and handed it over to Annie

"There this is a Protection spell and all you have to do is say it and Think of you and Matt" said Curtis

"Okay!" she replied

Annie started at the paper and tried to pronounce the word but she struggled a bit so Matt thought that he could help her.

"Here let me see" he said and she handed it over to him he read the spell swiftly and said "praesidium alica!" and immediately orange bursts of light appeared and they surrounded both Annie and Matt.

Annie was in Awe and could not believe what was happening, the orange balls of light disappeared slowly until there were no more.

"What Just happened??" asked Annie in confusion and Matt said the same

Lucinda was shedding tears but not sad tears they were happy ones and Lucas was surprised too and turned to his wife to see her happy tears.

"Mom what's wrong why are you crying??" asked Matt in concern

"It's nothing my boy it's just that you just used magic" she said with a smile on her teary face.

"What?? mom what did you just say?" asked Matt in utter shock he could not believe what his mom just said and so were the others except for Curtis because his same stoic expression on his face.

"Haha how could i have forgotten the spell test?" said Lucinda as she shed more tears and Lucas was hugging her

"Umm Curtis can you please explain what is going on??" asked Annie and the others nodded in agreement

"*sigh* Okay i will explain, it turns out that Matt is not only a Vampire but he's also a witch too, we thought he was only a Vampire since he only exhibited Vampire like characteristics, but it turns out that he also had Witch Characteristics too and hence the emotional state of Lucinda" said Curtis Plainly

"Whatt?? that's so cool congratulations Matt" said Annie genuinely as she smiled at him

"Thank you?" said Matt as he was still in shock.

"But Curtis i have a question" said Annie

"Okay what is it?" asked Curtis

"How come Matt was able to use his Magic so casually and for me it's so hard because i have to focus on it" said Annie

"Well it's simple Matt's magic just flows through him more freely that's all like i always say all Witches and Wizards are different" said Curtis

"Okay Number 1 i never heard you say that before and number two i get it now" said Annie

"Well it's getting very late and you guys have school tomorrow so i think it's time we head home" said Mr. Grey as he finally spoke up.

"Yes i think John is right today has been a long day and we have lots of things to think about" said Lucas as he stopped hugging Lucinda

"Yes he's right Goodnight everybody and have a safe trip home okay" said Lucinda as she stopped Crying

"Aunt Luc are you alright?" asked Annie as she was worried

"Oh Annie dear i am just fine just a bit emotional that my boy has my side too" she said as she wiped her teary eyes

"Okay Aunt Luc Goodnight and have sweet dreams" said Annie as she got up and hugged her.

"I will dear you too" said Lucinda as she hugged her back

"Lucy Goodnight" said Mrs. Grey

"Goodnight" said Lucinda as she hugged Mrs. Grey

The men greeted each other Goodbye and Lucas escorted the Grey's back to their Car.

"Goodnight Matt" said Annie as she was smiling

"Goodnight Annie" said Matt

Meanwhile Back in the Cold Dungeon of the Wolf Mansion

Maddie looked at her Father with shock in her eyes but she didn't show it.

"But Why Father?" she asked in confusion.

"Well because i wanted to test the strength of the Annie girl but most especially the loyalty of my only kin" he said with his eyes not leaving her face to see her reaction.

When Maddie heard the last part she was shocked so her Father knew that she lied to him and yet he kept quiet and acted as if he believed her so her Father was really that dangerous.

"Well Father you should have told me they were your men then that way we could have both worked together" said Maddie as she didn't loose her composure.

"Well if i told you would it be a test for you then?" asked Azazel and Maddie shook her head.

"Anyway enough of this topic, the reason i called you here is because me and your mother are going on a trip to meet some potential allies" said Azazel

"Okay Father" said Maddie

"We will be gone for a week and during that period you are not allowed to go anywhere do you understand?" asked Azazel in his cold tone

"Yes Father" said Maddie as she bowed her head in agreement.

"Good You may leave" said Azazel, and Maddie didn't waste anytime she left as fast as she could.

Back in the Sundew house Matt had just gone to bed, everyone was sleeping, Lucas and Lucinda were getting ready for bed.

"So Luc what do you think?" asked Lucas as he finished brushing his teeth

"*sigh* Luke i don't know but Curtis has a point we have to be more careful Azazel knows that Matt is a half blood and he's very useful to his plans" said Lucinda as she already changed into her night dress and was tucking herself in bed.

"Yes i know but i mean we have a life here, the kids are going to school and besides what will happen if we move at this point?" asked Lucas as he wore his shirt and got into bed.

"Yes we will figure it out when we get there, but i am worried about you Luke, honey are you fine with going back home, and seeing your father?" asked Lucinda

"*sigh*Well i don't know dear, Jake said that he's getting old and he's not doing too good" said Lucas

"Dear i feel like you should see him, you never know if it's serious" said Lucinda

"Okay then it's settled we are moving back home, and i will leave the company in the hands of the executives till we come back" said Lucas as he lay his head of his pillow to sleep.

"So we will tell the kids in the morning" said Lucinda as she closed her eyes.

"Yes we will, Goodnight Love!" said Lucas as he planted a kiss on Lucinda's forehead

"Goodnight" she said as she drifted into sleep.

Back in the Wolf Mansion.

Maddie was in her room and she was sad "No i cannot let him do this to an innocent person, Annie is innocent and she doesn't deserve to die for no reason" said Maddie

"And i cannot stay here either it's killing me slowly" said Maddie

"*sigh* I know since my so called Parents are going for a trip i am going to escape, yes that's it i cannot be part of this nonsense" said Maddie and she drifted off into slumber.

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