
Maddison III

Morning came and Maddie was dressed and ready for school, she wore a floral print midi skirt and a black top that was tucked in into her skirt, she braided her hair into a long messy French braid, she took her school bag and went outside, the driver picked her up and drove her straight to school.

All night Maddie had been thinking of plans to entice Annie to be her friend, or how she could convince her to so her parents would stop bugging her about it, when Maddie got to school she waited at Annie's locker and waited for her to come through the school doors but alas nothing happened.

Until the school bell rang Maddie was still waiting at her locker, but she didn't want to be late for class so she left, today was Tuesday and so Maddie had different classes from Annie since she was an advanced student in physics, so she didn't have a chance of seeing Annie in class.

At Lunch time Maddie went to the Cafeteria and sat alone on the table because she chased her entourage away and she waited to see Annie there too but to her luck she didn't.

"Is it me or is Annie avoiding me??' asked Maddie to herself as she was eating

Well as Maddie would have it yes Annie was ignoring her, after the events of yesterday and Matt finding out and she being exposed to Maddie, Annie felt like the right thing to do was to avoid Maddie for as long as she could, She came to school an hour earlier so she could avoid the time Maddie would be there, and luckily for her today was Tuesday which meant that Maddie had advanced classes and wouldn't be in the same class as her and Matt, which made it wayy easier for her to avoid Maddie.

Annie Made sure she ate a big breakfast so she wouldn't be hungry during break time so she just stayed in the class together with Matt.

After hours of waiting for Annie to show up Maddie deduced that she was probably avoiding her and so she thought of another way to get close to her and that was Matt, they were friends of course and last time she checked she and Mat were friends too.

Luckily for Maddie it didn't take long for her to find Matt he was putting something in his locker when she saw him.

"Matty Good Morning!!" said Maddie with the most sincere smile she had

"Mhm Good Morning to you too" said Matt as coldly as ever, "Wait is there something wrong?? Matt is never cold to me??" thought Maddie to herself.

"Matt is something wrong??" asked Maddie as innocently as she could

"Yes" replied Matt almost immediately

"Then what is it?? you can tell me" said Maddie as she tried to look innocent

"You mean who is it??" he replied

"Oooh it's a person maybe Matt had finally and enough of Annie and they are no longer friends oh joy!!" rejoiced Maddie within her.

"Then who is it??" asked Maddie in anticipation of it being Annie

"It's you" said Matt plainly

"Huh what's wrong what did i do??" asked Maddie in utter confusion she didn't remember offending Matt so why was he angry at her all of a sudden??

"Oh then tell me where were you yesterday at around 11pm?" asked Matt

"11pm??" asked Maddie as she tried to recall where she was then she realized that it was around that time that she and Annie fought??

"Well he can't possibly be angry at me because of her right??' asked Maddie to herself

"Well i don't remember??" said Maddie as she lied to conceal the truth, but Matt saw through her.

"Oh is that so??" asked Matt suspiciously as he tried to make Maddie say the truth out of he own will.

"Yes" answered Maddie immediately

"Oh okay then so you won't say that at 11pm yesterday you were in an abandoned restroom with Annie and you two were fighting with Magic" said Matt plainly but not loud for everyone to hear.

When Maddie heard those words she didn't know what to do so Matt did know the truth he was the one that found them yesterday and now he was angry at her.

"Matt it's not what you think i can explain" said Maddie but she was cut off by Matt saying.

"Save your explanation for yourself, i don't need it i should have listened to Annie when she said that you were a mean and cold person, why would you just think of a whole plan to hurt Annie i cannot believe this, well as of now Maddie Wolf we are no longer friends Goodbye" said Matt and with that he closed his locker and left.

Maddie was utterly dumbfounded she never believed in her wildest dreams that Matt would ever be so cold to her, he was always cheerful and nice to her and that's why Maddie liked him, because he was not her friend for her Money but rather for her company and that was why in Maddie's eyes Matt was her only friend and the rest were all pawns that she got to do stuff for her and now her only friend was angry at her because of Annie what a shame.

If not that Maddie had to be strong due to her Parents training she would have shed a tear right then right now, but she didn't instead she took her schoolbag and walked to her next class.

In class Maddie couldn't concentrate in class all she could think about was how Matt called her a mean and cold person, Was she really like that?? she asked herself but she shrugged it off as soon as she heard the teacher call her name.

"Maddie are you alright??" asked Mrs. Brown as she was asking Maddie a question but she didn't answer.

"Yes Mrs. Brown i am alright i was just thinking about something" she said

"Okay alright but pay attention" said Mrs. Brown

"Yes Mrs. Brown" replied Maddie

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Dan_does_it_allcreators' thoughts
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