

~Like you, I dream, I choke on night-dread. Like you, I have often wondered why fears reign at night. After twenty years of such wondering, I now believe that fears are not born of darkness; rather, fears are like the stars—always there, but obscured by the glare of daylight.

 [Irvin. D. Yalom]


**[Warning Trigger. 'Complex topic' mentioned]

Alarmed, Giselle's eyes busted wide open. 

Who was at the door? 

The few hours past had been the longest of the night and she'd found her eyes grow tire of sleep many times in between, as though the moon's light streaking into her little room in the inn as well as the incandescent lighting from the lantern by the floor was not enough to console her that she'd nothing to fear.. Even the night breeze had continuously flown in to coolen the air of that place.. Still, her mind was not at ease. She had a hunch and it felt so real.. 

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