
Illicit Affairs - Part 1

|The Castle|

Despite suggesting that if he had the time to, he would be present by Briceus' side to receive Elizabeth and the rest of the accompanying party, Aldrich had other plans. None of which entailed having to do said deed. 

He smiled softly and then let his lips drift apart while he said this to Briceus, "I believe that would be all for now, Milord. I should get on my way now to attend to other pressing matters. Go ahead and enjoy your leisure bath and if my schedule permits then I should be with you when your maiden arrives." To these words, Briceus nodded slightly in a way that meant that Aldrich could now excuse himself from his presence. 

Briceus was now left to enjoy his "leisure bath" as described by Prince Aldrich, in the sole company of his care-givers. These were beautifully endowed fair-skinned maidens who were scarcely clothed. But still, only one person occupied the King's mind at this time… 


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