
Breakfast With The King - Part 1.

Once she'd heard those words, Elizabeth at once veered her vision in the direction of Oletha and even though the girl's excitement was seemingly evident in her sparkling grey eyes, Beth could not bring herself to become expressive of any emotional excitement whatsoever to a similar degree. This was due primarily to the fact that her mind was still enwrapped with the situation of that person sneaking up to her room, only for them to disappear so suddenly.

Observing from her lady's countenance how she was seemingly distracted by something, Oletha took the initiative to speak up her concern. She respectfully covered the gap between them both. "Milady… Is all well? Why aren't you as cheerful as your usual self this morning?" Elizabeth, without saying anything, quickly grabbed the girl gently by her hand and pulled her hesitantly into her bedroom, thereby ushering her to the welcoming sight of the densely smoke-plastered walls.

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