
Ch 31 "Madness" pt. 1


Utter, absolute, sheer madness.", thought Taemin once again questioning what the fucking hell were they about to do.

- If we are caught, we'll get years in jail.

- We will not...

Though Woojin said it firmly, it didn't sound that reassuring, not one bit.

- We have the plan. Just need to stick to it.

Yes, contrary to the time when they rushed immediately to save Jiwook with no plan and preparation whatsoever, now they had it all planned and thought thorough. All was ready, all preparation done, they took care of everything, even if unexpected variables came into the play.

However, the risk was too high. Yes, they were desperate, but was it really to that extent? One wrong step and they all could meet a tragic end.

Especially Joohoon, whose role was crucial yet very dangerous in their so called plan, since for it to work, he needed to go to them alone.

It was simple. Or at least it should be.

Their "hacker"-person caught on the group's call, ordering yukgaejang (korean beef soup) and in seconds they all proceeded to do their part. It seemed the kidnappers let their guard down, as three weeks passed since the incident and they used the same phone number. The hacker had the line in his grasp, so now even though the call was very short, it was enough for him to track them down.

They would catch up with the deliveryman, pay him a hefty sum to give them the order, lend the bike, even the restaurant's uniform shirt. Next step was for one of them to take it over and go alone, disguised, to the kidnappers' place, act as the perfect ordinary deliverer of soups and not fail in giving them the said soup, that now had a bear dose of tranquilizer in it, of course all without raising even a scrap of doubt on him.

Out of them three, only Joohoon could do the job, since they knew both Woojin and Taemin and the dangerous task fell solely on him.

It was their only chance. If the group sniffled something fishy and would run away, they could risk to never find them again, or worse if Joohoon would get discovered, it would be...

Taemin refused to even think what could happen then. Both Jiwook and Joohoon were so reckless, that it was frightening to watch them.

God help them with the maddening plan.

- He got them.

Woojin said, after he took the call from Joohoon, Taemin beside him sighed in relief.

That was a whole lot better.

They both were on their way to Joohoon, still with an anxious dread in their gut. The tranquilizer should work for minimum 2 hours, still they needed to be fast enough to drop them to another designed place, before they would wake up. Three boys who barely reached adulthood, were no match for a group of build up "gangsters" with a full scale record of crimes and that was to put it nicely.

If realistically, even if their plan would succeed, they couldn't really send them to the police after, only if the policemen were blind and stupid enough to believe them. Believe in their so called "explanation" as though Han Siwon was called again, he brought friends and somehow the kidnappers ended up drugged, knocked out, well, the whole package.

Min and Han families, not to add that it was the victim's family, could still use their status to let it "slip"... somehow, but not for Joohoon. If there would be solid evidences found against him, it would be the end.

And of course that wouldn't stop Joohoon. As if anything could stop him.

Even their outside help, the hacker, mind you, the sole real adult and a person that saw many things in his life, hesitated when they brought up the plan. He agreed to help them with tracking and information, but nothing beside that. He was also the one who found them a basement in a half-deserted place in the suburbs with close to zero chances to get them tracked back later, as well as finding the tranquilizer.

It was to the point of being scary, how many things you could do, if you have enough money.

Taemin still couldn't believe it.

That they are really doing that whole shit.

They were close to reach the given address, entering a dark gruesome street that didn't even have a number. It looked so menacing and eerie, that even the robbers wouldn't come near it. The old van they were driving was parked one street below, since there was no way they could actually enter that narrow street.

One good thing about it all, there were not even a single CCTV in the area, no shops, no people on the street, even the poor households looked deserted with no lights on.

That was good... for them, since they didn't risk to have witnesses, moving three knocked out men to the van, dragging them in plain sight through the open street like that.

Woojin and Joohoon somehow managed to bring all the three adults, tied up, to the back of the van, not without a few bones cracking from the effort. Taemin gathered all their things, that could be useful for them or give them any sort of information on the group itself as well as any leads to the "orderer".

Joohoon took a round and had a check for himself, bringing a few more things that caught his attention, dropping it all in the box Taemin just placed in the van. He then left to take the bike and return it to the original owner, with them following him. It took around 20 minutes to have it done, after which he got in the van and they hurried to drive to the basement.

Time was essential and they had to reach it as fast as possible, with the three sleeping bodies in their car, that could wake up any other moment, they shouldn't try their luck.

Thankfully they reached the place over half a hour later and the three didn't show signs of waking up. Good. They moved them quickly yet carefully down, cuffing each of them with additional chained handcuffs. The place was prepared in advance with all the materials and needed "tools" ready, they even had some water and food supplies for a few days prepared, as well as computers, camera and devices that could come in handy.

The room was not big, but spacious enough for them, the sleeping group was placed separately near each of three walls, nothing around them, close to the 4th wall were two long tables with all their things on it, where Woojin already took his place to make photos of the gang's belongings and send it to the hacker. The taken mobile phones were connected to unusual devices and a performant computer, which the hacker gave them and now operated through it, to gather all the data.

If they would get what they were after within this method, that would be the best course of action and then they wouldn't need to interrogate anyone.

However, as another half of hour was passing by, Woojin got a call from the hacker telling him that most of the numbers, saved under 2-digit numbers instead of names, were virtual temporary phone numbers, that were changed every time or pay phones, which couldn't give much information about the users. It seemed not only them but even their clients were more cautious about a possible track on their tail.

And nothing about the one they were trying to find.

The hacker told him he will go with the call history and check every number, but it will take him at least a few hours.

- I got it.

Woojin turned to the other two and shook his head.

- He needs time and isn't sure.

Taemin had a grim expression, since that meant they have to go with plan two, which was the interrogation in person.

Joohoon said nothing, he was bandaging his hands, that now wore heavy knuckle dusters and Taemin gulped.

He really hoped that it didn't come to this, though he wanted to punch the assholes himself, nevertheless, he had that obnoxious feeling about the whole situation, that something could go terribly wrong. The scenario with Joohoon and three wretched bodies around him or the three of them instead, thrown somewhere God only knows, for no one to find. Both were gruesome.

- What the fuck?

And it began.

One woke up and staggered to stand up, only to find himself tied, hands and feet, to the wall.

Instantly the young men stopped from what they were doing before then and froze for a moment, as it sunk down that it really started, their plan, and now every move, every word they'll say, they had to be very careful about it, with all their nerves on edge and senses sharp.

Though Joohoon seemed unbothered by it all. He wore a calm expression in spite of the rising tension in the cold dusty air.

- Who the fuck are you?... Bro, look, some kids wanna play with us.

At his loud voice the other two woke up as well. Judging by his half-amused tone, he and the other two weren't feeling that intimidated, even with being all tied up and waking up in a foreign place. The one addressed looked around and spotted Taemin.

- Aren't you the bitch from that day? In good shape as I can see.

- Came for another round?

Taemin had chills down his spine and Woojin was about to launch himself on the last one, but he was late.


There was a loud heavy sound of someone hitting the ground, and perhaps a bone cracking. Joohoon, who send the other flying, with his face blooded, stood tall over him, his eyes wore a cold and menacing glint, as if daring him to continue what he was saying earlier.

Instantly, the men dropped their playful act, their expression changed to one of disbelief and sternness.

Joohoon crouched down, pulled the other up by his hair, with force enough to tear it off.

- Listen to me. I'll say it just once. You will do only two things. One, do what I say and two, answer when I ask you. Understood?

- Fuck you-

Joohoon slammed heavily the other's head flat on the ground, that the man chocked in pain from the bursting blood, as it seemed his nose broke from the abrupt impact.

Joohoon's voice was getting even lower and quieter, despite the raising agitation in the silent room, so distressingly calm compared to the strangled muffled sobs of the knocked man.

The other one sprang to his feet, though he had no chance to move closer, he began to speak gravely at Joohoon with a flabbergasted tone, as though for him the "joke" was taken too far.

-Hey, brat, go play bullies with kids and let us free, or you'll regret it. I warn you.

Joohoon stood up and turned to him, his face smiling almost innocently yet so ominously, that it would put anyone in dread enough to run away from him.

The man refused to show it, how much that wicked smile disturbed him inside, as he still tried to get uphold of the nonsensical situation they got in.

- I guess, you're the leader. Great, then it will be easier.

It wasn't clear though, what exactly would get easier, as nothing from what was happening could be described with that word.

- I have only one question you need to answer. Who gave you the order?

The man seemed to catch up with what or better said, whom they were after and chose to play with those angry kids a bit, than to have to deal with that psycho later. He picked up the safest route, at least he thought so, by provoking them and at the same time, looking for a way to free themselves.

He laughed a dray jerky laugh as though he just heard the funniest thing ever.

- You're dumb if you think I'll tell you. Boy, go fuck yourself... or that bitch over there, he's totally worth it.

Woojin was boiling beside Taemin, the elder put an arm on his to hold him in place, because there was someone other, that would shut that hideous month.

- Is that so?

Joohoon's smile cracked and the air in the room dropped a few degrees lower, his voice sounding so unnatural and bare of emotions that the man furrowed trying to decipher the younger's reaction, the expected rage or burst failing to happen and that put him on edge.

Joohoon's lips were still stretched in that weird smile, that succeeded in making even Woojin and Taemin tensed. The tall youth took something from the dark gym bag on the table and came back to the man, who was trying to keep his composure upon noticing the intimidating object in the other's hands.

- That's good.

And that again, wasn't what they expected to hear.

Joohoon swung the medium-sized hammer in his hand with playful ease, as though he was about to strike nails and not human bones right then. Maybe he bluffed - was the thought of all the three men and that was a mistake.

- You see, began Joohoon in a cheerful voice, stroking the hammer against his cheek like it was his favorite toy or something - I was afraid... that it will be too boring.

Oh and his eyes... it flashed a razor-like, thrilled even, glint, which hardly could be a human's, more like it belonged to a predator ready to hunt and play with his pray.

That was unnerving.

More so, extremely unnerving.

The "leader" braced himself for the attack, but surprisingly nothing come, as Joohoon stepped away, to the opposite wall, where the first out of them, that got hit, struggled to stand up and break away from the chains, obviously with no luck, he then started to yell at the younger.

- Go the fuck away from me! If you dare touch me, I'll kill you!

Joohoon punched him right in his face hard enough for him to lose balance and fall half on the ground, the younger stepped on his free cheek and pressed with all his weight.

- You- mo..ther-fucker! You'll pay for this.

His voice sounded muffled and too weak for a threat, underneath Joohoon's pressing foot; the latter then bent down while looking at the man, the leader, across from him, as if to capture his look and force him to watch every move he was doing.

And the man flinched.

- No!

Instantly an ears-ripping scream burst along with the short sound of something cracking, and it continued for a long while, the man crouched himself and wormed in excruciating pain, that perhaps he didn't even think was possible. He howled and cried loud and helpless, chocking in convulsive gasps, not even trying to articulate words, as though the pain made his mind blank and its agony was the only thing he could feel, see or think of.

- Your friend broke his eggs, huhu, so tragic.

Joohoon faked dejection and then laughed, and God help them, even Death wouldn't sound that horrifying if it could laugh.

- Now he'll not have any "rounds", Joohoon added as though for him and turned to the leader.

Was it his original plan to inject fear and pain to the other but through another person instead? It looked like watching the agonizing pain before your very eyes, was much more perturbing than to be the one at the receiving end, because you'd never know exactly how "real painful" something could be, only left to imagine it following the screams you heard, the jolts of pain you saw.

Planned or not, it looked like it was effective enough to fill the spectators with intended fear and distraught.

- Are you insane? What have you done?

The leader yelled his lungs off, above the harrowing sobbing of his colleague.

- Hm? Do you have an answer for me then?, replied Joohoon posing a question to him instead, yet already moving to another target, the third one who was scared shitless and looked like he would spill out everything Joohoon would ask.

The leader threw glances around in search for anything that would stop the maniac from playing his sickening game. His eyes fell on their bag, where he had things hidden in case of emergency and his brain racked to build a quick plan to get his hands on it.

If he could play them well, he would get his chance.

- Stop! STOP! I have it. What you need. Is in my bag.

Joohoon stopped midway, sending a short sign for Woojin to check.

- It's in the inner pocket. Behind the fabric.

Even with Woojin fiddling with and pressing every inch of the pocket he couldn't find nor take out anything.

- I can-

Joohoon throw a whipping glare on the man who flinched nervously as though the younger just caught on his plan. Well, it wasn't that simple and perhaps he was just acting.

Joohoon took a knife from his pocket and proceed to tear off the fabric, which from inside had a memory card glued on it. He gave it to Woojin to check, he threw the bag back on the table and turned to the leader.

It was almost unnoticeable yet the man hid a scowl, though he still opted for the second part of the plan to work, now with the bag too far from him. If he would make a commotion, it would be all he would need to break free.

He was confident the data on the card will play its role.

- What is this?

Woojin's voice faltered a bit upon seeing the screen, a flat voice resembling the man who spoke earlier, resounded from the computer's speaker.

- "Oh don't cry we didn't even start."

Taemin on the side had a bewildered expression on his face, his eyes quickly fixed on Joohoon in a visibly distressed and conflicted manner, which strangely pierced through Joohoon's shell in a very distraught way.

That look, it wasn't saying any good.

He stepped closer to their table and froze upon his eyes met the moving pictures on the screen.

It was Jiwook.

And he was crying.

He was ...


Trigger Warnings : graphic violance

Lea_Noahcreators' thoughts
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