
4; Recap..

Glamour's POV

When I opened the door, I wasn't exciting what I saw, Mr husband stood in the sitting room completely shirtless and appears to be looking at something...

"Sh*t" I blurted out and tried to put my hand over my shotgun that I had hidden in my pajamas pant.

Hopefully, he didn't notice it as I tried to move past him while eyeing him wearily and tried to decipher his facial expressions to know if he's seen anything or not but his lips were in a straight line while his eyes held no expression whatsoever.

How could he be standing shirtless in the parlor, isn't the room enough for him, or was he trying to provoke me I thought as I felt flushed at the view in front of me...

I wanted to say something but simply settled with ignoring him and proceeded to lie down on one of the big sofas.

I waited for him to leave while clutching tightly to my shotgun in case he tries to do anything stupid.

I could still feel his presence even though I had my back to him, and knowing that he was standing right made me feel uneasy...

Why isn't he leaving, I asked myself quietly, and then he spoke.

"What are you doing? He asked, but I didn't make any move or say anything.

"You should go sleep upstairs", he said after he must have deduced that I wasn't going to answer him.

I snorted at what he had just said. He must have gone crazy if he thinks I'm going to sleep in the same room as him.

Sleeping in the same bed was not part of the contract so he better not be expecting me to do anything that's out of the context of that damned contract.

And I'd rather sleep on the street and freeze to death than let that ever happen.

I however ignored his proposal, and pretended to be asleep...

He left after a while though without saying anything more.

When I heard his footsteps disappeared upstairs, I then released my hand from my gun while releasing the breath I didn't know I was holding.

As I laid on that sofa, I couldn't help but think of the most terrifying two weeks of my life.


It was 2 pm on Monday, the third day after we had gone to the club with Maya.

We had just finished eating our lunch at Starbucks. Maya had ordered a chicken salad, while I ordered a medium sized veggie burger with a large sized strawberry milkshake. Maya couldn't stop talking about her date with the guy she played the game with, even as we ate our meals.

We came out of Starbucks, and Maya continued to rattle on about her date with the guy she had met that night whose name she said was Dale, as we walked to the car park.

She kept on rambling about how great their date was and how she thinks she's finally found the one, but I knew Maya and I really hope that she was going to stick to this one this time, but then someone cut our conversation with a loud Hello.

We had almost missed him, because of his height even though he was standing just a few meters away from where our car was parked with a straight face.

We both turned to the side at the sound of the voice as it seems to be directed to us, and who we found was no other than little man.

I didn't even know his name and I didn't bother to ask, because I had hoped to never see him again. But some how, I knew meeting him was inevitable as I don't even know what I had signed that night.

"Hi Glamour, Maya," he said while gesturing between the two of us.

"Hi", Maya answered back but I stayed silent as I had a gut feeling that this isn't going anywhere good. And just like I was thinking, he announced that he was here in regards to the contract that I had signed.

"Glamour," he began and I felt my heart sink as I could already imagine him telling me I had signed a contract to become a lab rat, or that I have signed a contract to become a porn star...

But what I had signed seemed much more deadly than what I was expecting.

"You signed a marriage contract," he completed and if my heart sank the first time, then it totally went down to the bottom of the largest ocean this time...

"What do you mean by I signed a marriage contract?" I fretted as my feet went completely cold.

"You're joking right?" I polled again with hopes that he'd laugh and say yes, that he was only trying to get a reaction from me.

But much to my dismay, his face remained static with his lips in a firm straight line, and there was no view of laughter or anything close to that...

I had watched him with terror-filled eyes as he asked us to come with him so he'd explain the contents of the contract briefly...

Maya looked towards me equally perplexed by this whole information before we both went with Mr. little man who had refused to tell us his name.

We entered into a black SUV that was parked a few cars away from ours, and he started to tell us more about the contract.

In the contract, it was clearly stated in bold laters that if I were to breach the contract or ask for a divorce after been married, then my families would be slaughtered...all of them.

I wanted to call it a bluff but I knew better because he knows my whole family what they do and where they are as he even had a recent picture of them taken as proof...

I was shocked beyond measures as I sat in that car while listening to all he was saying... I wanted to ask him what's in it for him though but I couldn't move my lips even Maya was sitting beside me looking so terrified.

We later left the car after taking in all this information. we then went back to where we had parked our cars, and I entered the car and we both drove to my house in silence...

After that event, I couldn't sleep properly for three nights straight, no matter how many sleeping pills I took.

I would only fall asleep for a few minutes before waking up from a terrible nightmare one that involved my family been murdered in cold blood.

I suffered that way for three consecutive days, completely confused about what exactly was going on.

After the third day, Maya came, even though she was here every other day to console me, but today she was here not just to console me but also to relay a message from Mr little man.

"He said the wedding is next week's weekend", she bewailed as a lone tear roll down her cheeks.

At this point, I couldn't cry anymore I've run out of tears I've lost hopes of all this being a terrible nightmare...

As the wave of the reality of the whole situation began to sink into my poor head, I couldn't help but think of how my mom would react to the news of me getting married out of the blue...

I knew my only choice was to agree to this as I couldn't risk losing those I love.

Now my problem was my mom how do I explain to her that I'm getting married to someone I don't know, I am I supposed to introduce him to her. As I kept letting all this run through my head, I decided not to let him meet my parents until the day of the wedding if it happens.

But I knew I had to come up with a great back story on why they couldn't meet who I was marrying...

I had told my mom about the wedding a few days later after thinking and having the conversation in my head several times, I then decided to tell her that I was marrying someone I met on an online platform and that we were both in love with each other...

I knew she'd be against it if she knew who I was getting married to and she'd try to stop me but I couldn't risk losing any of them, not even a single person amongst them...

So when she tried to make me see reasons why I shouldn't marry a stranger, I tried to make her understand that we were far too in love to care about anything.

My mom was the one who had told my dad about this whole thing and when she did he called me and asked what my mom was talking about.

Unlike my mom, Dad gave me a very disappointed face and asked that I call off the wedding, and even though I had never dreamt of disobeying my dad's orders, I couldn't do anything about this one.

And that was how everything kept entangling and feeling so unreal until I was finally marching towards my personal doom...

One thing that surprised me, even more, was the fact that the guy I was supposed to get married to suddenly changes into this Asshole who wasn't part of the picture for the whole of that 2 weeks suddenly became my personal doom...


As all these memories replayed on my head, my hands unintentionally clenched tightly to my gun before I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.


I know this chapter's a mess but I just wanted to post a new chapter today. I'll try to edit it soon I hope it wasn't too provoking to read through.

your support would go a long way and would be deeply appreciated

Xeeraaruwacreators' thoughts
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